13 illustrations of how our childhood parents saw and how we saw it

child always sees the world a much more colorful and interesting than it actually is. In the children's fancy turns to a pile of pillows real castle, out of the chair and the rug easily constructed deep cave, and a chair with a wave of the hand becomes unconquered mountain peak.
< Website offers to remember how fun to be children .
Games with parents

queue in a shop

Playing with dolls

Games in the yard

most common walk

Education simple things

Pope Help


hide and Seek



Evening stroll

< br>
riding a roller coaster

15 pictures that look like our childhood
10 illustrations that are familiar to anyone who has a brother or sister
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/10-illyustracij-kotorye-znakomy-kazhdomu-u-kogo-est-brat-ili-sestra-1303065/