< Olga Glebova
Two underpass level rises no longer young, but very elegant gentleman.
All the color, all in a tone of light-sand pants, beige suede shoes, cream shirt, light jacket -Brown.
In his left hand with a surprise gift bag, which he obviously chose a long time.
In the right - expensive, but not tacky bouquet with bow rustling.
Man radiates from the vexation of the upcoming meeting.
I was not looked. Only the smell of his cologne accompanied me along the passage.
I stayed a couple of stalls, flipped through magazines, bought greeting cards and entered the subway.
While standing on the escalator, I suddenly felt already caught me in the passage the smell of men's cologne.
"Sand" Mr. stood a few steps below.
How - I thought,
Appointment already taken place?
All I presented?
So fast?
I turned right on the machine and stood in a familiar shcherbinki floor platform.
Approached train full wagon, the situation is more than usual. I put her in someone's soft side.
At the next stop I was able to turn around.
And then again, he said. He Do? Back drooping head left his shoulders, pale eyes, blank staying.
Bouquet as broom hanging somewhere at the bottom, the package lonely standing on the floor. I pierced mad pity.
It was an obvious failure and collapse of all hopes.
I wondered, and can help calm or just to listen.
No, it's uncomfortable, embarrassing, here in the car on the move.
That is, if it comes to my stop, I'll go.
My stop. I go out.
Corner of my eye I see that it comes out.
We go to the escalator side, almost touching his shoulders. It may seem that we have together.
I was standing behind him. Mulls first words recruited spirit.
Well, that's the last step ...
"Sand" relish blew his nose and went to the other side.
Two underpass level rises no longer young, but very elegant gentleman.
All the color, all in a tone of light-sand pants, beige suede shoes, cream shirt, light jacket -Brown.
In his left hand with a surprise gift bag, which he obviously chose a long time.
In the right - expensive, but not tacky bouquet with bow rustling.
Man radiates from the vexation of the upcoming meeting.
I was not looked. Only the smell of his cologne accompanied me along the passage.
I stayed a couple of stalls, flipped through magazines, bought greeting cards and entered the subway.
While standing on the escalator, I suddenly felt already caught me in the passage the smell of men's cologne.
"Sand" Mr. stood a few steps below.
How - I thought,
Appointment already taken place?
All I presented?
So fast?
I turned right on the machine and stood in a familiar shcherbinki floor platform.
Approached train full wagon, the situation is more than usual. I put her in someone's soft side.
At the next stop I was able to turn around.
And then again, he said. He Do? Back drooping head left his shoulders, pale eyes, blank staying.
Bouquet as broom hanging somewhere at the bottom, the package lonely standing on the floor. I pierced mad pity.
It was an obvious failure and collapse of all hopes.
I wondered, and can help calm or just to listen.
No, it's uncomfortable, embarrassing, here in the car on the move.
That is, if it comes to my stop, I'll go.
My stop. I go out.
Corner of my eye I see that it comes out.
We go to the escalator side, almost touching his shoulders. It may seem that we have together.
I was standing behind him. Mulls first words recruited spirit.
Well, that's the last step ...
"Sand" relish blew his nose and went to the other side.