3 scientific method to develop the creative abilities in children

"If you want to develop in their children creative abilities, you need to teach them to reason on their own," - says the teacher of the Wharton Business School (Pennsylvania, USA), a father of three and author of books on the psychology of Adam Grant.
Website is the three main Grant principles that should guide parents in the development of children's talent and creativity.
1. Praise the child, rather than its action When my little daughter draw any picture, instead of saying, "Wow, what a beautiful picture," I say, "Wow, you're a talent!" It helps her to understand and further develop self talent and uniqueness.
it is important to strengthen their confidence in their work right now, to convince them that they are doing everything right. in this way, when they grow up, they will not lose creativity since from childhood perceive it as a part of yourself.
2. Do not install a thousand rules a few years ago, scientists from Boston College conducted a study they compared the families of gifted children with families of children with average abilities and found that the parents of ordinary children were found on average six day rule (while laying bed, homework time, etc. . d.), while the parents are very creative children were on average less than one rule.
If you set your children a bunch of rules, it is likely they will face difficulty in solving their own problems in the future. They will be looking for solutions to the problem set, instead of coming up with an alternative, non-standard solution
But this does not mean that there should be no rules of permissiveness and freedom of choice -.. Things are different .
3. To reason with children Another study conducted among American architects and found out that the parents of the most successful and original architects had children in the following way: they outlined the how should behave the children, and explain why it is necessary, and allow children to set their values in the framework of these rules of conduct.
When parents and children talk together, children have the right to argue their opinions and discuss together ways of solving that results in the future to a desire to defend his point of view and to do better .
considerations are also important to help children to think about the consequences of their actions, not only for themselves but also for others. Thus, their actions will be more morally aware.
via www.shutterstock.com/ru/pic-358101665/stock-photo-little-ballerina-girl-in-a-pink-tutu-adorable-child-dancing-classical-ballet-in-a-white-studio.html?src=wdvwFR42GAtfWIcEdJ99hA-2-93
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