Wisdom Viking post

basic postulates of practical wisdom Vikings remained in the song "The Sayings of the High" (High Scandinavians called the pagan god Odin). It lies a kind of philosophy, which is set out very briefly, in a few sentences. But it is still surprisingly relevant.
Therefore, Website has decided to introduce you to a fragment of the song translated Helena Bergmann.
About the wisdom and humility: h3> There is no better way to burden than a clear mind
It is for the poor in foreign lands more wealth.
He asks wisely and intelligently respond who wants to pass for wise.
One trust the two of - never know three of them - the whole world knows
At the meal, guests cautiously silent and listens.
Listen to the ears, the eyes of all to see the intelligent seeks.
About hospitality: h3> Need fire logged in from the cold, he froze
Food and clothing has need of the traveler, who crossed the mountains.
The guest need water, and hammer, and the kind words,
and that he could tell that he is at heart.
About the gab, gossip and ridicule: h3> unwise husband is better to keep quiet, while among men
If he is silent, it gander not know.
But the grief ignorant babbling that he can not remain silent.
Mocker pleased that offending guests, managed to escape.
He just does not know what a stupid mockery he made angry enemies.
About Alcoholism: h3> Neto beer good and benefit as many people think
The more you drink, the worse the mind subservient to you.
The guests came, staring fool, silent il chats.
Only he will drink, and everyone can see how empty his head.
About friendship and deceit: h3> Hook big wrong to another, though next door lives
A good friend to the road is easy, at least until her far away.
Know when to walk away, for too long at a party do not sit.
Even buddy will disgusted, stuck in the house.
If you have a friend, and there you are very confident and want the good from it,
uncover his soul, gifts Dari, often visited him.
At friends unreliable friendship hotter fire burns five days.
The sixth came - all burned down, and friendship is gone
About loneliness and sense of life: h3> Dries lonely pine in a field, fell off the bark and needles
Such a person, no one favorite. How much does he live?
Even ailing fate is not entirely dispossessed:
Who is famous sons who have relatives who are wealth who by their works.
Each measure should be smart, without further a lot.
Only to live a carefree, who do not know in advance their inheritance.
It is better to be alive than dead, living preying good.
I saw the fire in the hearth of the rich, and the death was waiting at the threshold.
Dying herd relatives die, he will die in his turn.
But ever living a good memory of the glorious deeds ...
via www.octagonfilms.com/
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