When the suit - a work of art
Every year Venice is immersed in a truly fantastic atmosphere. And all because in February is a carnival and that is shaking the incredible costumes, clothed in which residents and visitors.
We are in the Website look at those photos and wonder: how
created such beauty?
Photos on the preview: turismo
via www.turismo.it/tradizioni/articolo/art/divvenezia-tutto-il-carnevale-in-5-curiositdiv-id-10454/
We are in the Website look at those photos and wonder: how
created such beauty?
Photos on the preview: turismo
via www.turismo.it/tradizioni/articolo/art/divvenezia-tutto-il-carnevale-in-5-curiositdiv-id-10454/
10 books that will allow half an hour to fly to a new life and return
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