7 examples of how parents encourage bad behavior of children

Any child is not listening to his parents. But if a bad behavior - rather the exception, then the other, unfortunately, this may be the rule. Last often occurs due to the fact that parents do not know it, aggravating the situation.
In this article Website will tell what methods of education and actions of parents can encourage children to behave badly.
You tell your child that today he is no longer supposed to sweet. He rolls his tantrum, and you allow him to eat more candy. Thus, you are planting to the child the idea that it is worth it to start acting up, and he will get whatever he wants.
broken promises of punishment
All of us have ever seen parents who throw empty threats: "If you ever again to do so, on TV, and do not dream / I'll never take you with me to the match / no more than ice cream ..." and the like, and then let it go and forget about this promise. The children did not perform what they were told. From what? It will not be any consequences.
Blank justification
"He's tired." "He is still small". "He is hungry ..." Of course, one can not expect from the children that they will be perfect all the time - it's just impossible. They may be hungry, tired, they can be in a bad mood. Especially it concerns early age, when children are more difficult to express their emotions. Even high school students, sometimes stubborn. But if you justify your child all the time, this is not good.
Bullying, according to psychologists - not the best way of education; it can even be called disastrous. In one experiment, the researchers found that children who had promised to severely punish if they sovrut were more likely to lie.
The fact that you raise your voice, does not mean that the child will hear you and will fulfill the request, and the effect will be short-lived. Misuse of this method can lead to the fact that the relationship between you spoiled.
Corporal punishment
According to studies, if a child is often subjected to corporal punishment, it can become more aggressive, closed, dropped his self-esteem. He soon learned how to avoid pain rather than learn that you need to fix.
Promotion smile and affection bad behavior
Yes, you may feel that your child simply adorable when bobs on a chair in a cafe and sings his favorite song, or when it begins to eat with your hands and then licking his fingers. But surrounding it is unlikely to appreciate. Child and will continue to do what he wants, if he does not remind you of how to behave.
Of course, much depends on the age. Young children still do not know what is good and what is bad, and hooligans or capricious, without realizing. But they absorb everything like a sponge, and if so, they have learned that you can do and what can not, in the future these problems will not be. But to retrain, re-educate a child is much more difficult.
via missingsisterstill.tumblr.com/post/48154879529
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