20 seals that have befallen the art of total relaxation
Do you like seals as editorial team? If so, you'll love this collection of seals, which, apparently, know how to relax! We would also not stop to take their example, perhaps ... I told you I had to take more melon.
Ah, probably would spring ...
Well, that all-inclusive.
Manicure or something, do.
I think about it tomorrow.
Maybe for a drink?
Yes, it was a good idea.
Wake Me Up When September Ends.
Put your alarm clock at 8.00 ... And no, tomorrow, Saturday.
Come on, television broadcasting.
And even sleep do us part.
Envy silently.
And let the whole world wait.
Hey, man, firewood podbros.
The leaves have not allowed so at least relaxed.
Today was a tough day ...
Tom really relaxed. Let us leave here, or call a taxi?
What are friends for? That's right - to lie to them.
Solar bath ... mmm.
Enjoy kotnitsey!
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/20-kotikov-kotorye-postigli-iskusstvo-polnogo-rasslableniya-781160/

Ah, probably would spring ...

Well, that all-inclusive.

Manicure or something, do.

I think about it tomorrow.

Maybe for a drink?

Yes, it was a good idea.

Wake Me Up When September Ends.

Put your alarm clock at 8.00 ... And no, tomorrow, Saturday.

Come on, television broadcasting.

And even sleep do us part.

Envy silently.

And let the whole world wait.

Hey, man, firewood podbros.

The leaves have not allowed so at least relaxed.

Today was a tough day ...

Tom really relaxed. Let us leave here, or call a taxi?

What are friends for? That's right - to lie to them.

Solar bath ... mmm.

Enjoy kotnitsey!

via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/20-kotikov-kotorye-postigli-iskusstvo-polnogo-rasslableniya-781160/