Dutch village with unusual inhabitants
In an isolated village Dutch Hoogeveen, located on the outskirts of Visp, lives only 152 inhabitants. Their lives are different from the lives of each of us except the fact that for each of the residents are constantly being watched. This is due to the fact that the village Hoogeveen none other than as a medical institution, all patients who suffer from dementia.
1. Hoogeveen was established to maintain the patient the illusion that they are living a full, normal life. None of the residents Hoogeveen has no idea what is under constant supervision in a psychiatric hospital. Residents live in ordinary houses of six or seven people under the constant supervision of several trustees. Each house is equipped in accordance with the period of time when short-term memory of patients living in it no longer work properly: in the style of the 50s, 70s or even 2000s.
2. None of the patients are not kept locked. Each of the villagers can travel freely in and do their own thing. Naturally, all this is under the constant supervision of medical staff, which seems to cashiers, shoppers in the store, and so on.
3. The only thing that can make the people of the village, so it is to leave the territory of the village. This is simply impossible, as houses in the village are built in such a way as to create a sort of perimeter that you can not leave without the knowledge of the medical staff.
4. That the contents of older people is much cheaper than the clock care. And for the patients themselves such a life is much familiar and pleasant.
1. Hoogeveen was established to maintain the patient the illusion that they are living a full, normal life. None of the residents Hoogeveen has no idea what is under constant supervision in a psychiatric hospital. Residents live in ordinary houses of six or seven people under the constant supervision of several trustees. Each house is equipped in accordance with the period of time when short-term memory of patients living in it no longer work properly: in the style of the 50s, 70s or even 2000s.
2. None of the patients are not kept locked. Each of the villagers can travel freely in and do their own thing. Naturally, all this is under the constant supervision of medical staff, which seems to cashiers, shoppers in the store, and so on.
3. The only thing that can make the people of the village, so it is to leave the territory of the village. This is simply impossible, as houses in the village are built in such a way as to create a sort of perimeter that you can not leave without the knowledge of the medical staff.
4. That the contents of older people is much cheaper than the clock care. And for the patients themselves such a life is much familiar and pleasant.