12 scientific books that will help to understand the universe

Over the years, more and more I want to understand how the world works. Why people do not fly? Is there life on Mars? What happened to the Schrödinger's cat in the end?

Based on the opinions of popular science magazine New Scientist, and Discover, Website has compiled a list of books that will give you a basic idea of ​​how to construct our planet and what is happening outside. A list of these books can be replenished indefinitely. All works from our list - in Russian translation. And, of course, do not take the views of the author as the only true, because each of us has the right to challenge it.

Charles Darwin "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" This is a book to which must be found anyone who studies the evolution of nature. The central idea of ​​the revolutionary work of the scientist comes to the question of why the world is as we know it? Russian scientist Timiryazev, speaking about the importance of this work, called it "philosophy of biology».

Isaac Newton, "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" "Principia" of Newton - one of the greatest works in the history of science. This work laid the foundations of mechanics, physics and astronomy. It formulated the entire program is the development of these fields of science, which is decisive for well over a half century.

Galileo Galilei "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" Work Galileo "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Ptolemaic and Copernican" focuses on major issues of world order. The main "heroes" - Salviati, Sagredo and Simplicio - talk about the geo- and heliocentric system of the world.

Nicolaus Copernicus
"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" The main work of the brilliant Polish scientist, put an end to the dominance of the geocentric system of Aristotle - Ptolemy proclaimed center of the world and the sun. Copernicus made one of the greatest in the history of scientific breakthroughs, and opened the way for modern astronomy.

Aristotle, "Physics" This teaching of Aristotle on the general principles of being and forms of change. If you are interested in natural-scientific achievements of Greek thought, this is the best source that you can find. In a sense, "Physics" - is the story of the ancient natural science before Aristotle and synthesis of scientific achievements of his era.

Stephen Hawking
"A Brief History of Time" "We live in a wonderful world. We want to understand what we see around us and ask: what is the origin of the universe? What is the place we occupy in it, and, in general, where all this come from? Why everything is just so and not otherwise? "The book will give answers to all these questions.

Richard Dawkins 'The Selfish Gene' "This book should be read almost as though it were science fiction. It is conceived with the aim of impressing. But this is not science fiction, it is science, "- says about her own Dawkins. The paper says that we are created by our genes. We animals exist to save them, and only serve machines, ensuring their survival.

Erwin Schrödinger "What is life
from the perspective of physics? "The book is highly enthusiastic about their work scientists answer the question: how can the physics and chemistry to explain the phenomena that take place within a living organism? Reading this work will not only extensive theoretical material, but also make reflect on what in essence is life.

Yakov Perelman
"Entertaining Physics" One of the best benefits of classical physics. Tricky puzzles, intricate issues, challenges and paradoxes amusing interested in and help you successfully master the physics. For all who care about the physics.

Marie Curie "Radioactivity" The book is a classic monograph. Its author, Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discovered the radioactive elements and complete their investigation. The book contains comprehensive information on this group of substances which are of great interest in science.

Albert Einstein "On special
and the general theory of relativity "This booklet will facilitate the introduction of the theory of relativity those interested in the theory of a general scientific and philosophical point of view. Einstein tried as much as possible accessible and consistently explain all the material.

Richard Feynman, "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" Sometimes I can not believe that this is the real story of a man, Nobel laureate in physics. Situations in which he constantly gets, make it almost superhuman. But his credo explains it: "If you are a scientist, quantum physics, and can not be explained in a few words a child of five, what do you do - you are a charlatan».

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