25 citations this sorceress JK Rowling

JK Rowling - the world izmestny author of a series of books about Harry Potter. In her books, a whole generation of children. His first stories she started writing five years: "I still remember how I told your sister a story in which she fell down the rabbit hole and a family of rabbits fed her strawberries. The first story was about a rabbit called Rabbit. He got the measles, and came to him his friends, including a giant bee called Miss Bee ».
Website made for you a selection of the most insightful quotes and hopes that you will like them.
Is 'fat' - it really is the worst that can happen to a person? Is 'fat' - it's worse than the "vindictive", "jealous", "blank", "vain", "boring" or "severe"? Not for me. The past is too heavy to carry around with him. Sometimes it is necessary to forget about it for the future. - How would you like to be remembered?
- As the one who did everything he could, so the talent that she has. We do not need magic to change the world - inside of us already have all we need: our thoughts can represent the best choice ... Our more than our abilities show our true essence. The truth - that's fine, but it is also a dangerous thing. And so it should be approached with great caution. Just to be alive, to watch as the sun rises over the glistening snowy hills - this is the greatest treasure on earth. needed a lot of courage to confront the enemy, but much more to go against friends. What matters is not what you were born, but how did you become. Man dies when the dies last memory of him. Fear of a name increases fear of the wearer. - < Sounds better than it was in reality ...
- And it always sounds better than it was in reality. The young do not understand how to think and feel the elderly. But old men are guilty if they forget what it means to be young. Looking at the death and darkness, we fear only the unknown. The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is indeed an incredibly difficult task. People are easier to forgive someone else's wrong than right. Sometimes my mind surprised me. If you want to know a person better not look at how he treats with equal, and how it behaves with subordinates. Even the best of us sometimes are forced to take back his words. Reality photoshop not corrected. A full stomach is a good mood, and empty - despondency and quarrels. Each of us is sure though to say something much more important than all of what the other was thinking. How good when you hug. Why relations can not be limited to simple, comforting gestures dumb? Why only mankind learned the language? Curiosity - not a vice. But it must be kept in check ... It's amazing how easy it is to swing showdown if to insist on the exact wording.
via www.livelib.ru/author/179700/quotes