5 facts about the "crystal cave" in Mexico, where you can see the largest crystals in the world
This cave, where it is impossible to be long, fraught with great facilities that can not be seen anywhere else in the world ... 1. Cave Krisstalov placed at a depth of 0, 3 km. at a small Mexican village Nike.
2. Giant crystals in the cave consist of modifications of gypsum - selenite.
3. The largest discovered crystals measuring just over 10 meters long. Its weight - 55 tons.
4. Temperatru air in the Crystal Cave - 58 °, the humidity reaches 100%. It may be no more than 20 minutes.
5. Under the cave is an igneous funnel. Groundwater caves saturated with minerals, especially gypsum, due to heating magma. For a long time the grotto was filled with hot mineral solution. This temperature contributed to the growth of crystals of selenite.
via factologia.net/countries-and-cities/569-crystal-cave.html

2. Giant crystals in the cave consist of modifications of gypsum - selenite.

3. The largest discovered crystals measuring just over 10 meters long. Its weight - 55 tons.

4. Temperatru air in the Crystal Cave - 58 °, the humidity reaches 100%. It may be no more than 20 minutes.

5. Under the cave is an igneous funnel. Groundwater caves saturated with minerals, especially gypsum, due to heating magma. For a long time the grotto was filled with hot mineral solution. This temperature contributed to the growth of crystals of selenite.

via factologia.net/countries-and-cities/569-crystal-cave.html
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