Our universe is dying
Scientists at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union confirmed that the universe is dying down: according to the analysis of 200 thousand galaxies, the energy intensity of space for 2 billion years halved. In addition, the data from the most powerful telescopes, scientists have concluded that the supernova is born smaller.
As he told BBC BBC Professor of International Radio Astronomy Centre of Western Australia driver Simon, before the end of the universe is still a very long time. "The universe if sat on the sofa, pulled a blanket and peck nose forever" - poetically expressed his thought driver.
However, the final death of the universe is projected no sooner than 100 trillion years, from the point of view of humanity - an eternity.
via cosmos.d3.ru/astronomy-vselennaia-umiraet-no-bespokoitsia-ne-o-chem-807803/
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