"Crouching Tiger and Turtle, The Magic Mountain" - a pedestrian roller coaster in Germany
About eight weeks of German experts gathered new, unparalleled attraction. Above the new attraction of two sculptors worked - Hike Mutter and Ulrich Gent. "Crouching Tiger and Turtle, The Magic Mountain" - is intriguing title captivating design.
The building, set in the German city of Duisburg, is very similar to a roller coaster, only a special extreme Visitors are unlikely to get.
There's no high-speed wagons, instead of them - a step for hiking. Hence the name: the attraction must be fast, like a tiger, but it has to go. From the outside it looks like a turtle's movement. Having overcome two hundred and fifty levels, you get to the highest point. The construction rises on two hundred meters. There are "American-German" and the rollercoaster loop, but it is designed, apparently, only for decoration, it is impossible to get there.
Source: www.indeutschland.ru
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If sprinkled with fresh frog legs with salt, they will "dance"