In hagfish 4 hearts, 2 of the brain, one nostril is the skull, but no spine
Hagfish - a rare representative of vertebrates that has no spine. Hagfish have a skeleton - a skull. But there is no spine. These creatures belong to the lower vertebrates. That is, they are not worms, but not yet the fish - fish predecessors.
Hagfish are settled in the subtropical and temperate waters of all oceans. In Russia, they, for example, sometimes can be found in the Barents Sea. But the greatest diversity of species observed in the western coast of North America.
According to research for the last 300 million years hagfish have not changed. Primitive appearance hagfish, which has long since gone out of fashion among fish and disgusting eating habits have led to the fact that people believe myxine one of the most hideous sea monsters. But it's only because of the fact that it is smaller than other similar to us in modern creatures.
The body resembles the body of hagfish hugest worm, half a meter in length. Goliath hagfish, there reaches a size of 127 centimeters. Hagfish is almost the only creatures on earth that can tie itself into a knot.
Now let's see what hagfish inside. She has four hearts, two brains, and one nostril. But hagfish eye - as much as we have, in vertebrates - two. However, they are rather primitive. Hagfish using these eyes can see the light, but not a specific image.
In some species of hagfish hundred females account for only one male. Representatives of other kinds and at all - hermaphrodites. So survival hagfish was safe, even if "men run out».
The key to survival is high and unpretentious in food. Hagfish eating carrion or dying animals. Typically, it rips chunks of meat, doing a hole and thus penetrates into being. And eats it. Divers often see gnawed skeletons of what some dolphins thick hagfish inside. Sometimes hagfish eat fish caught in the fishing net, which almost can not move.
Eat hagfish in Japan and Korea.
Source: live.1001chudo.ru
via factroom.ru
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