Years device instead of vinyl records lose sections trees

German designer Bartholomeus Traubek designed music player that plays vinyl records instead of slices of trees.
Round pieces of wood on the shape and texture resemble real vinyl records. Device Years («Years") literally reads tree rings and plays the melody in the form of improvisation on the piano.
The basis for sound quality are the strength, thickness and age of the rocks. Also, the sound varies from a few criteria. Dark or light wood, light or heavy structure - these attributes define the melody and the tone of a musical composition.
Perhaps different species of trees sound will differ from each other. Willow could produce soulful ballads and fast-growing poplar - upbeat tunes.
The basis of the invention, of course, is definitely tuned program, but each wooden plate interprets it differently.
http://player.vimeo.com/video/30501143?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 video>
Source: www.rbcdaily.ru
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