Black Crookshanks is able to swallow food, 3 times the size of the stomach

These deep-water fish called the "great swallowers" - their stomachs are able to expand to a size three times greater than the original. Hiazmodony swallow everything that can fit them into the mouth without thinking about the consequences. They go on about their own greed and often pay for it with his life.

It is a relatively small size (about 25 centimeters), black Crookshanks hunt bony fish found at depths ranging from 700 to 2.5 thousand meters. And, as a rule, the length and weight of the victim is much greater than the length and weight of a hunter stalking her.
Some scientists suggest that black Crookshanks catches its prey by the tail, and then stringing her his jaw, until catching a fish is not entirely in the stomach hiazmodona. Jaws black Crookshanks as if hung on hinges, allowing them to advancing down and forward, swallowing prey larger than his head.

However, swallowing large prey - it's only half the story. The most important thing - to digest. And here comes the problem: distended stomach does not have time to provide the necessary enzymes, and production starts to decompose just inside hiazmodona. Accumulated gases cause the death of a predator and raise it to the surface of the water.
via factroom.ru
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