5 strange units

1. Since then, as a celebrity Wil Wheaton (units) scored half a million followers on Twitter, his name was called the popularity of unit - "Wheaton". Private Twitter user has an average of about 150 followers, which is equal to 300 mikroUitonov.
2. Another example of unusual units can serve as a world-famous brand Gillett (Gillete). The term "Gillett" means .. The laser power of the laser power 5 "Gillett" can burn 5 razor blades.
3. The term "Mickey", named in honor of Mickey Mouse, is a measure of computer mouse, and is equal to the shortest movement of the mouse (about 0.1 mm), which is determined by a computer.
4. Many computer users are familiar with the term "byte" is used to represent the unit of information. There is also the term «niddle» (Needle), which is half a byte.
5. Another strange unit of measure called a "bearded seconds", which in concept is similar to the unit of "light year", but it is equal to the length of beard, which he grows in one second, and is approximately 5 nm (0, 000 000 005 m).
via factroom.ru