8 facts about the "good guys"

It's about those "good guys", which every mother marriageable girls eager to get his in-law. At first glance, this is indeed the groom from one virtues - does not drink, does not smoke, honest, helpful, well-read, and so on. D., And so on. N. "And he is thrilled with the appearance of thine!". In general - a dream, not a man. Maybe so, but only at "the good guys" have their own "but". We would advise girls to take them into account.
1. A significant part of the "positive" guys - the perfect mattresses. Such a character never will achieve your location directly. He chooses a workaround, and this way it may be too long for one lifetime.
2. «positive» will never be beat you at his friend, even if all withered.
< 3. If he decides to invite you on a date, then, most likely, it will send a note. Your communication will be called "friendly," and when you get tired of waiting for the logical development of the relations, and you otoshёte him for any "bad guy", he will say that your happiness - the first priority for him. And it will suffer, reveling in thoughts of his own generosity and sacrifice.
In fact, most of these tactics "positive" explains ordinary cowardice. He and so comfortable enough to take risks for the sake of something more real.
4. It would be desirable to like scary. He considers himself a noble, wise and honest - and save that image to him, too, can be a good reason to abandon real life. "Positive" can not stand even the thought that goes wrong. He is able to take only those decisions that in his view deserve unequivocal approval. And when he took his "right" decision, it would, in general, then, becomes a matter of what the decision will cost the family and friends.
5. In ambiguous situations this guy patiently waiting when someone will give him instructions. Ask him to make a decision - and it will require your advice with a deep analysis of the problem from every possible angle. This can be great when it comes to scientific research, or making important government decisions, but in a romantic relationship is absolutely intolerable.
6. They analyze everything a million times. They correlate the benefits of achieving the goal of possible losses in case of failure and can not accept the gulf between them. They are the engineers of the spacecraft will not be able to decide to run until the chances of success will not rise above 97%. And before that, better to let someone manage a.
7. «The good guys" are convinced that women like to be deified. And it is true - to a certain extent. Many girls like to be admired and when bow before them for what they really are. But this attitude should be somewhat justified, otherwise it's just a "illusion" that sooner or later be revealed. And it is really strange to treat a woman like a goddess when you think it equally.
8. In addition, you can love anyone and all you want, but if you're applying for a romantic relationship, you will need the consent of the other party. And then, instead of wooing the object of his love, "good" start to pile up a lot of non-existent difficulties. Before ripen to a real relationship with a girl for a long time, they are in a romantic relationship with her made-up way. And so with him szhivaetsya that real live woman as something not very much and see.
In general, girls, keep in mind that the problems with the "good guys" also abound. We do not persuade you to switch to a "bad", just want you to know what to prepare, so if you got a "positive" character.
via factroom.ru