Education has on the formation of personality is much greater influence than heredity

It has long been debate among scientists that is stronger influence on the formation of the human person - genes or upbringing. According to the latest research, foster parents may affect the child more than the gene, given to him by biological parents at conception.
Researchers from the University of Exeter and the University of Hamburg decided to find out how personal characteristics are passed from one generation to another - for this purpose, they studied zebra finch: it turned out that the foster parents have a great influence on the formation of personality chicks than the biological parents and the legacy of their genes. < br />
Some birds - both male and female - always behaved shy and preferred to basically sit in one place, while others showed dominant behavior. The scientists allowed male and female form a pair and make offspring.
Shortly before the chicks hatched some eggs are reversed, then, when the descendants grew, scientists began to study their personality traits. In addition, the researchers measured the young birds and found that the size and color they inherited from their biological parents, but grew up mainly in chicks showed exactly the behavior that was typical of their adoptive parents.
Scientists believe that, although the study was conducted on the finches, the same results will be valid for other species of living creatures, including human.
via factroom.ru
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