Literacy in North Korea depends on the ability to write the name of the leader
99% of the population considered gramotnym
Korean alphabet Hangeul is also known as South Korea and North Korea chosongul. This is an original alphabet, created in 1443, the year and is now the official written language as the South and North Korea.
Korean alphabet is very different from the written Latin alphabet in Hangul letters are grouped into blocks, and each block forms a syllable, and the letters of the alphabet are written sequentially. Each block in Hangul comprises two to five letters and includes at least one vowel and a consonant.
The blocks are located on the letter horizontally from left to right. In language there are 11,172 mathematically possible syllables (or "blocks"), but given the peculiarities of the Korean phonotactical, are not used all the syllables. All letters are written in Hangul by the same rules as in Chinese calligraphy.
Although North and South Korea claimed that 99% of people - educated people, research shows that the older generation in South Korea owns Hangul perfectly. And in North Korea to determine how much a person has a written language, is almost impossible - if a citizen of North Korea is able to write the name of the beloved national leader, it is automatically considered to be literate.
via factroom.ru

Korean alphabet Hangeul is also known as South Korea and North Korea chosongul. This is an original alphabet, created in 1443, the year and is now the official written language as the South and North Korea.
Korean alphabet is very different from the written Latin alphabet in Hangul letters are grouped into blocks, and each block forms a syllable, and the letters of the alphabet are written sequentially. Each block in Hangul comprises two to five letters and includes at least one vowel and a consonant.

The blocks are located on the letter horizontally from left to right. In language there are 11,172 mathematically possible syllables (or "blocks"), but given the peculiarities of the Korean phonotactical, are not used all the syllables. All letters are written in Hangul by the same rules as in Chinese calligraphy.
Although North and South Korea claimed that 99% of people - educated people, research shows that the older generation in South Korea owns Hangul perfectly. And in North Korea to determine how much a person has a written language, is almost impossible - if a citizen of North Korea is able to write the name of the beloved national leader, it is automatically considered to be literate.
via factroom.ru
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