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10 mental disorders occurring only in some parts of the world

human brain, by and large, still remains a mystery for scientists - especially in regard to violations of his work. Experts decades studying the "twist" of the human psyche and reached this some success, but there are phenomena that are still putting luminaries psychiatry and psychology to a standstill - for example, why some rare psychiatric diseases are found only among residents of certain regions of our planet? In the case of the ailments of the body it can be explained by environmental or climate, but mental illnesses like "know", the residents of which countries they can be striking, and what is not - probably not in vain in the ancient problems with a head thought machinations of evil spirits. To your attention - 10 mental disorders, occurring in only some parts of the inhabitants of our planet.

1. Syndrome husband pensionera

Residents of Japan has long been famous for their work ethic - they are willing to work overtime hours, devoting almost all his spare time to work.

Because of its phenomenal dedication to the work of many Japanese people after retirement are faced with a curious problem - they understand that for many years have been so immersed in professional duties that have completely forgotten about the marital and eventually two of the elderly, many years living together, suddenly find that they almost strangers to each other. Not all get to build relationships again - according to statistics, over the past decade the number of divorces in Japan increased by 27% and the majority of terminated marriages - pensioners.

Many men of retirement age have difficulty in communicating to their wives, treat them as colleagues or servants. Wives also feel uncomfortable, being 24 hours a day next to the person that previously, at best, in the evening the pair exchanged polite phrases, but now they are forced to endure, when in fact a strange man trying to get into their lives. Doctors say that the wives of retired Japanese are suffering from stress, their health is deteriorating, there are problems with sleep disorders and even speech.

The problems are compounded by the destruction of pensioners traditional Japanese family values ​​- previously married couples elderly living with their children, which helps to smooth many conflicts and facilitate building relationships. Now young Japanese prefer to live separately from their parents, depriving them of the joy of communicating with their grandchildren - it is not surprising that seniors feel lonely. Currently, the problem got so acute that in Japan are thousands of groups of psychological support to help seniors maintain a family.

2. Syndrome New Sveta

In developed countries such as the United States, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle, devoting much of his free time watching TV, video games or social networking. At the same time they absorb huge amounts of high-calorie fast food, which in combination with the aforementioned methods of activities gave rise to a curious phenomenon, known as syndrome of the New World.

One of the first victims of this syndrome were residents of the islands of Micronesia. For centuries there the Aboriginal diet consisted of fruits, vegetables and fish, but with the advent of Micronesia Western civilization in the face of the pirates, who visited the island in the beginning of XX-th century, everything changed. "Prosvёschennye" residents of developed countries introduced the islanders with drinking and infectious diseases, and the development of industry in the region, Aboriginal people began to import and "progressive" fatty foods.

The result of habituation Micronesians to the "benefits" of the civilized world began snowballing growth of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Currently, about 85% of the population of Micronesia are obese, some local residents in the twenties of heart attacks and not all Aboriginal people manage to live up to sixty because of health problems, age "slightly over fifty" is considered to be a ripe old age.

By the way, studying the syndrome of the New World, the experts found that there is a link between malnutrition and obesity - according to the World Health Organization, about 1, 1 billion people worldwide are overweight and do not get food in sufficient quantities.

3. Lata

Lata - a rare mental disorder, observed some residents of Malaysia, translated from the local dialect the name means "nervous." Upset, among other things, is characterized by excessive emotional reactions to sensory stimuli - mysterious disease, researchers say that they suffer from Malaysians, for example, when he heard a loud sound, start grimaces, dance, sing and pour curses. In addition, patients lats are not able to resist requests and instructions - for example, one of the patients during the acute frustration was trying to lull and feed breast milk hat, as he told it to his little child, as was the case when the patient is at the request of others absorbed inedible objects. After the attack takes place, the patient returns to normal, but can not explain what happened to him.

Scientists can not say that provokes the development of this disease. Perhaps the tendency to it is genetic and is inherited, but this version is not yet possible to confirm, as virtually no data on the prevalence of the lats from the previous generations of Malaysians. According to local belief, the lat may appear due to the fact that a person as a child too much tickled, the other reason is considered to be witchcraft. The most common disorder in young women during the so-called post-menopausal, but it is observed in young men.

4. Fire bolezn

In Korea, as in Malaysia, it has its own unique attack that affects only local residents. The main symptoms of the disease called hwabyunga (in the lane. With Korean - "fiery disease" or "disease of anger") - the severity and burning in the chest, insomnia, heart palpitations, weight loss and blurred vision.

Most of the sufferers' fiery disease "- middle-aged women. Among Koreans are of the opinion that the culprit - the anger, who splashes out and accumulate in the body, "burns" the person inside. Psychologists believe that this view is not too far from the truth - the history of the Korean people is full of wars and other social upheavals, so many years, Koreans suffer from severe psychological stress, which ultimately triggers the development of "a fiery disease." The disease is common among Korean immigrants who are forced to leave their country for one reason or another, but continue to worry about the situation in his homeland.

5. Dhat syndrome

The victims of this mysterious disease are most often young men who live in Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. One of the main symptoms of the disease is considered to be the concern of man that he loses sperm through urination or other secretory processes. Among other symptoms - fatigue, trouble concentrating, physical exhaustion, loss of appetite and sexual dysfunction.

Dhat syndrome sufferers believe that they are losing a vital part of yourself, because according widespread among the population of these countries the philosophy of Ayurveda, health and well-being depends on the balance of certain substances in the body. Among them - blood, adipose tissue, bone marrow, flesh, pleural fluid and semen, and the sperm is considered the most important. Proponents of this theory believe that all of the liquid and the substance of the human body in various stages of transformation and ultimately become the seed, which is the key to a long and happy life, so for man there is nothing worse than losing sperm.

It should be noted that patients with Dhat syndrome often are treated by psychiatrists.

6. Fear of cold and vetra

Mental disorders, consisting in panic fear of cold and wind, hit the inhabitants of China and people who are not ethnic Chinese, but migrated to China for permanent residence and are fond of ancient Chinese philosophy of ideas.

Reason for fear of the wind (feng-na) or in front of a cold (pa-leng) is that these natural phenomena can disrupt the body's temperature balance, robbing human vital heat. In addition, the Chinese believe that the wind brings with it a variety of ailments, and if a person suddenly falls ill, it is the fault of this - a gust of wind.

The cold and the wind, according to ancient Chinese teachings are part of the negative yin energy, which represents the night, the feminine and all the negative in general. In contrast, yang is considered the epitome of masculinity, light, warmth and positive energy - so that, according to supporters of this philosophical concept, wind and cold are able to change the balance of energy and deprive a person of vitality.

Those suffering from fear of the cold and the wind, regardless of the time of year to wrap up in warm clothes, can not tolerate drafts and eat only hot food.

7. Hypertrophic schepetilnost

This curious mental phenomenon that experts classify as obsessive-compulsive personality disorder occurs mainly in orthodox Catholics, although members of other faiths are also at risk. People suffering from excessive delicacy, believe that they are constantly sin and fearful of God's punishment, to avoid that, in their opinion, it is impossible, no matter what they do.

Among the symptoms of delicacy - an obsession to follow Scripture scrupulously avoiding even thinking that religion is considered blasphemous. Patients with this disorder do not just see themselves as sinners - they know up front that are not worthy of this world, as any action leading them straight into hell.

Hypertrophic scruples tend to worsen the relationship of man with others, including - with close friends and family members. The illness may even cause the patient to commit an act of self-torture, "to be cleansed of sin." Treatment of these abnormalities are not too different from other aid obsessive-compulsive personality disorders, some types of therapy are used, including - drug, in some cases require the intervention of religious leaders.

8. The syndrome of sudden smerti

Such intimidating name phenomenon is not accidental - the gist of it is that a completely healthy person can fall asleep and not wake up. Most often mysterious deaths occur in South Asia Vostchonoy and die, mostly young men. According to one legend, all this - the tricks of the spirit which kills sleeping. In Thailand, they believe that it is the ghost of a widowed woman, steals the souls of men. In Japan, the spirit called pok-kuri, the people of Vietnam and Losa call it tsob Quan, and the Philippines, the specter known as bangungot or batibat.

The first mention of sudden death even dated the beginning of XX-th century, but only recently, scientists were able to get closer to unraveling the unusual phenomenon. It turned out that the phenomenon is somehow associated with irregular heart activity - such areas the electrocardiogram also observed in the so-called Burgada syndrome - a hereditary disease that causes a mutation of a gene. Doctors note that died from sudden infant death syndrome is most often not observed any health problems, in addition to these mysterious jumps cardiograms.

According to one study, the vast majority of victims of this syndrome, died in Manila (the capital Philippines) between 1948 and 1982 year, died about three o'clock in the morning, with almost all the victims were less than 33 years.

9. Tabanka

Almost all sick of this plague exotic live in Trinidad and Tobago - a small island nation located in the southern part of the Caribbean. Tabanka - a very severe form of "broken heart", before it was exposed to only those who threw the lover or the beloved, but now this term refers to and suffering from unrequited love.

People with this disorder literally drives himself into the grave - are losing interest in the world, stop eating, suffer from insomnia, and abdominal pain. Illness may seem ridiculous - probably every one of you in varying degrees, had to experience something like this, but the population of Trinidad and Tobago not joking: "ordinary" unrequited love, sooner or later passes, while tabanke human condition is only getting worse. Compounding the problem is that many patients try to hide their condition from friends and relatives for fear of ridicule. If the person begins to abuse alcohol, it is likely to end the disease himself. Most of the patients tabankoy - men, although it is common in women.

10. Obsession perfume charge

According to the beliefs of the Ethiopian Jews, Adam and Eve had 30 children and one Eve, Concerned that the beauty of the Lord are the envy of their offspring, hid 15 most beautiful ones in the heavenly tabernacles Garden of Eden. Of course, this trick did not escape from the watchful eyes of the Lord, he decided to punish the woman, and made a hypochondriac hidden children invisible. Later, the remaining 15 children have been the progenitors of mankind, and those who fell in the wrath of God, have become disembodied spirits of charge, forever doomed to hunt for their mortal brothers and sisters.

Some devout believers Jews suffer from the so-called spirit possession charge, which is expressed in constant headaches and fatigue unfounded. Most often, this disorder is the result of trauma or stress, especially if it is associated with love relationships, fruitless attempts to conceive a child, or a serious social upheaval.

The most common kind of treatment is considered possession rite of exorcism, if this does not work, the patient may apply to the healer. He enters into a trance possessed and communicate with the spirits, and then it all depends on the ability of the healer to negotiate with the charge or not. If the spirits and the healer come to an agreement, the latter informs the patient that the charge will no longer disturb him, but in exchange the patient should give some promises - say, to abstain from eating certain foods, talk to certain people, or follow kakim- any rules of dress.

via factroom.ru