Students come to the next lesson philosophy, and received lessons All Life ...

The professor taught a course in philosophy. He decided to show the experiment, so he took with him to the audience a few things: a large jar from the cucumbers and three closed boxes.

When the class began, wordlessly, he opened the first box and took out her golf balls. The teacher then filled them to the bank and asked the students whether it is complete, and received an affirmative otvet.

Then he opened the second box from which drew small pebbles. Professor slipped them into the jar to the golf balls, shake container to evenly penetrated into the rocks and filled the spaces between the balls themselves. Again the question was asked about whether the full Now the bank, which again was followed by an affirmative otvet.

It is the third box, which was sand. His teacher poured in a jar in the spaces between the golf balls and small stones. And the third time he asked if the jar full, and again received the same otvet.

The teacher took out from under the table two cans of beer and one after another poured the contents into an existing container. By class Rent smeh.

«now» i>, - said the professor, - «I want you to imagine that the bank - your life. Golf balls - these are the most important things: family, children, health, friends. This is a crucial aspect of your life - if only they will be, it still will be considered complete. I>

But there are other things that can be filled with life, symbolized by small pebbles. This is a car, house, job, hobby. I> Sand - are all possible fines that are in everyone's life. I>

But it is important the following: if you first nasyplete in bank sand, there will be no room for the pebbles or for golf balls. This means that if you dissipate their time and energy on the little things in your life there is no place for something more important. We must always think first of the golf ball. Pay more attention to the things that affect your happiness - spend time with your dear people follow health. Then you will still be time for you to wash the car or watch football. to prioritize, because everything else - only just sand, he will find its place ». i>

Dean student raised her hand and inquired what the beer. What the teacher said that no matter how busy and hard life can be, there's always room for a couple bottles of beer with druzyami.