7 most strange customs In Russia
In Russia we observe such practices, from which is now becoming uncomfortable. And for some, you can easily get a criminal srok.My collected seven most bizarre rites of our ancestors. Especially battered women and children.
This is called the neutral word for * a marketing link between in-law and daughter in law. Not that it's frowned upon, but was considered very small sin. Often fathers married their sons in the 12-13 years girls 16-17 years old. In the meantime, the guys caught up in the development of their young wives, Dad practiced for their conjugal duty. Quite a win-win option was to send his son to work for six months or even better in the army for twenty years. Then the daughter-in, staying in her husband's family, had almost no chance to deny in-law. If you resist, then I do the hardest and dirtiest work and put up with the constant nagging "starshaka" (so-called head of the family). Now with starshakom talked to the police, but then there was nowhere to complain.
Svalny sin
Now this can be seen only in special films, mostly made in Germany. And before this was done in Russian villages of Ivan Kupala. This holiday combined the pagan and Christian traditions. So, after a couple of dances around the fire went to look for flowers fern in the forest. To help you understand the fern does not bloom, it multiplies spores. It's just an excuse for young people to go into the woods and indulge in carnal pleasures. And any such links is not binding either boys or girls.
This custom, which can also be called svalny sin, describes the Italian traveler Rokkolini. All the young people of the village gathered in a large house. They sang and danced by the light of a torch. And when the torch died out, indulge in amorous pleasures blind to those who were near. Then the torch lit, and fun with dancing going on again. And just before dawn. That night, when "Gasca" hit Rokkolini, torch ignited and died out about five times. Has the traveler himself in the Russian folk ritual, history is silent.
This ritual has nothing to behold * su, relax. Premature or poor child was accepted "overbake" in the oven. Not in the barbecue, of course, but rather bread. It was believed that if the baby does not "cook" in the womb, it is necessary to Perepech his own. Forces to score, got stronger. Baby wrapped in a special rye dough, cooked on the water. Leaves only the nostrils to breathe. Tied to a grain shovel and saying, secret words, sent to the oven for a while. Of course, the oven was not hot, but warm. Serve baby no one was going. So rite tried to burn disease. Does this history is silent.
* Be Frightening emennyh
To leave our ancestors were treated with particular trepidation. It was believed that the moment a child enters the world of the dead to the living world. The process itself, and so hard for a woman, and the midwife tried to make it absolutely unbearable. Specially trained Grandma parked between his legs and tried to persuade mothers pelvic bones apart. If that fails, the future mother began to frighten, to rattle the pots could zhahnut beside her with a gun. Still loved induce vomiting at pregnant woman. It was believed that when her tears, the child is more likely. To do this, they shoved it into his mouth as a braid or thrust his fingers.
This wild rite used not only in some parts of Russia, but also in France, Armenia and other countries. It was believed that newborn babies should be nourished by the power of salt. This, apparently, was an alternative perepekaniyu. Child daubed with fine salt, including the ears and eyes. Probably, it is good to have heard and seen afterwards. Then, wrapped in cloth and kept as a couple of hours, without paying attention to the inhuman screams. Those who were richer literally buried the baby in salt. Describes the case when, after a health treatments with the baby get off all the skin. But this is nothing, but then will Zdorovenki.
Rite mertvetsa
This terrible rite - nothing more than a wedding. Those outfits of the bride, which we now believe solemn, our ancestors called funeral. White robe, a veil that covers the face of the dead man, that he accidentally opened his eyes and looked at some of the living. The ceremony of marriage was seen as a new birth of a girl. And in order to be born, we must first die. At the head of a young worn white cockle (headdress like nuns). It usually buried. From there, the custom is to mourn the bride, which is still practiced in some villages in the province. But now the cry that girl out of the house, but before crying about her "death." Rite redemption is also not just emerged. In this way the bride tries to find a bride in the world of the dead and bring to a white light. Bridesmaids in this case seen as guardians of the underworld. Therefore, if you suddenly invited to bargain with the groom on the spit-covered stairs in the entrance, remember, is where the tradition and do not settle

This is called the neutral word for * a marketing link between in-law and daughter in law. Not that it's frowned upon, but was considered very small sin. Often fathers married their sons in the 12-13 years girls 16-17 years old. In the meantime, the guys caught up in the development of their young wives, Dad practiced for their conjugal duty. Quite a win-win option was to send his son to work for six months or even better in the army for twenty years. Then the daughter-in, staying in her husband's family, had almost no chance to deny in-law. If you resist, then I do the hardest and dirtiest work and put up with the constant nagging "starshaka" (so-called head of the family). Now with starshakom talked to the police, but then there was nowhere to complain.
Svalny sin
Now this can be seen only in special films, mostly made in Germany. And before this was done in Russian villages of Ivan Kupala. This holiday combined the pagan and Christian traditions. So, after a couple of dances around the fire went to look for flowers fern in the forest. To help you understand the fern does not bloom, it multiplies spores. It's just an excuse for young people to go into the woods and indulge in carnal pleasures. And any such links is not binding either boys or girls.

This custom, which can also be called svalny sin, describes the Italian traveler Rokkolini. All the young people of the village gathered in a large house. They sang and danced by the light of a torch. And when the torch died out, indulge in amorous pleasures blind to those who were near. Then the torch lit, and fun with dancing going on again. And just before dawn. That night, when "Gasca" hit Rokkolini, torch ignited and died out about five times. Has the traveler himself in the Russian folk ritual, history is silent.

This ritual has nothing to behold * su, relax. Premature or poor child was accepted "overbake" in the oven. Not in the barbecue, of course, but rather bread. It was believed that if the baby does not "cook" in the womb, it is necessary to Perepech his own. Forces to score, got stronger. Baby wrapped in a special rye dough, cooked on the water. Leaves only the nostrils to breathe. Tied to a grain shovel and saying, secret words, sent to the oven for a while. Of course, the oven was not hot, but warm. Serve baby no one was going. So rite tried to burn disease. Does this history is silent.
* Be Frightening emennyh

To leave our ancestors were treated with particular trepidation. It was believed that the moment a child enters the world of the dead to the living world. The process itself, and so hard for a woman, and the midwife tried to make it absolutely unbearable. Specially trained Grandma parked between his legs and tried to persuade mothers pelvic bones apart. If that fails, the future mother began to frighten, to rattle the pots could zhahnut beside her with a gun. Still loved induce vomiting at pregnant woman. It was believed that when her tears, the child is more likely. To do this, they shoved it into his mouth as a braid or thrust his fingers.

This wild rite used not only in some parts of Russia, but also in France, Armenia and other countries. It was believed that newborn babies should be nourished by the power of salt. This, apparently, was an alternative perepekaniyu. Child daubed with fine salt, including the ears and eyes. Probably, it is good to have heard and seen afterwards. Then, wrapped in cloth and kept as a couple of hours, without paying attention to the inhuman screams. Those who were richer literally buried the baby in salt. Describes the case when, after a health treatments with the baby get off all the skin. But this is nothing, but then will Zdorovenki.
Rite mertvetsa

This terrible rite - nothing more than a wedding. Those outfits of the bride, which we now believe solemn, our ancestors called funeral. White robe, a veil that covers the face of the dead man, that he accidentally opened his eyes and looked at some of the living. The ceremony of marriage was seen as a new birth of a girl. And in order to be born, we must first die. At the head of a young worn white cockle (headdress like nuns). It usually buried. From there, the custom is to mourn the bride, which is still practiced in some villages in the province. But now the cry that girl out of the house, but before crying about her "death." Rite redemption is also not just emerged. In this way the bride tries to find a bride in the world of the dead and bring to a white light. Bridesmaids in this case seen as guardians of the underworld. Therefore, if you suddenly invited to bargain with the groom on the spit-covered stairs in the entrance, remember, is where the tradition and do not settle
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