8 lessons unsurpassed happiness of the Buddha. Happy and harmonious life - it's that simple!
Surely everyone wondered vital harmony and balance. But our lives are so many distractions and so little spiritual, that sometimes these thoughts just lose sight of. In such a dynamic world is hard to imagine myself sitting under the Bodhi tree to full enlightenment. Such was the way of Prince Gautama, better known as the Buddha. He was not a god, and not declared his divine origin. The Buddha was a man who, through tremendous efforts of heart and mind beyond all limitations. Today, she wants to share the lessons of the Enlightenment, which will be the next step on your path of life.
1. Start small
Patience and consistency - the key to success in all endeavors. Pitcher filled slowly, drop by drop. The process can not be ignored, and the process is made up of small details. Each artist began his let a student. Success comes to those who are willing to start small and work hard until the jug is full.
2. Watch your thoughts
Our consciousness - the creator of the world in which we live. All thoughts - material and you will certainly become so, what do you think. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain it pursues. If a man speaks or acts with pure intentions, followed by happiness, like a shadow, he will never leave. Health thoughts as important as the health of the body, because all actions arise from the mind and negative thoughts - a destructive energy that can ruin even the most talented person.
3. Goodbye
Pent-up anger in itself - would be like to grab a hot coal with the intent to throw it in someone else, but it will burn you. Freeing and forgiving person, you yourself become free and open to new opportunities for development and for harmony. You will not be able to suppress the one without suppressing and myself too. Learn to forgive and farewell as soon as possible.
4. Your actions are important
Actions - the only condition for development and for the successful development we must act every day! Do not build the wall - just every day, as much as possible baggage bricks. Constant movement, accompanied by deeds, necessarily lead to the best results. The proverb says: "God gives every bird a worm, but does not throw it into the nest." Buddha said, "I do not believe in a fate that falls on men as they are, but I believe in fate that falls on them unless they have been inactive».
5. Show understanding
The fight for the truth has become a never-ending fight for themselves. Do not show understanding towards others, do not expect that you will understand. Put your all efforts to understand and accept the other person's point of view and you will gain peace of mind. In life it is more important to be happy than right.
6. Win yourself
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory will belong to you. Victory over itself - it is a victory of reason, that is, control over thoughts. They should not rage like waves of the sea. If you doubt that the thoughts are manageable, consider this phrase Enlightened "You can not prevent birds flying over you, but you can certainly prevent her build a nest on your head».
7. Harmony within you
Do not look outside of what can only be in your heart. Often we seek the harmony around him, only to escape from reality. The truth is that harmony can only be found within ourselves. Harmony - is not a new job, not a new car or a new marriage; Harmony - is the world of the soul, and it starts with you.
8. Thank
Stop your thoughts and remember, at least 10 things for you should be grateful. Think about the fact that not all were able to wake up this morning, and here you have the first reason for gratitude. Expand your heart and soul with gratitude and it will answer your inner harmony, to which we all aspire!
Gautama Buddha gave the world the Teaching of Life, which was designed to teach people how to use the great truths in everyday life. He taught the ethics of life. All we ask a question of appearance and ethics in society, but without the understanding and further development of his inner world, all efforts in vain - for a well-groomed appearance hides a pure ignorance. This creates an imbalance and mental suffering. Remember these lessons and seek harmony within yourself.
Tell your friends about these lessons and they will certainly be bagodarny you!
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1. Start small
Patience and consistency - the key to success in all endeavors. Pitcher filled slowly, drop by drop. The process can not be ignored, and the process is made up of small details. Each artist began his let a student. Success comes to those who are willing to start small and work hard until the jug is full.
2. Watch your thoughts
Our consciousness - the creator of the world in which we live. All thoughts - material and you will certainly become so, what do you think. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain it pursues. If a man speaks or acts with pure intentions, followed by happiness, like a shadow, he will never leave. Health thoughts as important as the health of the body, because all actions arise from the mind and negative thoughts - a destructive energy that can ruin even the most talented person.
3. Goodbye
Pent-up anger in itself - would be like to grab a hot coal with the intent to throw it in someone else, but it will burn you. Freeing and forgiving person, you yourself become free and open to new opportunities for development and for harmony. You will not be able to suppress the one without suppressing and myself too. Learn to forgive and farewell as soon as possible.
4. Your actions are important
Actions - the only condition for development and for the successful development we must act every day! Do not build the wall - just every day, as much as possible baggage bricks. Constant movement, accompanied by deeds, necessarily lead to the best results. The proverb says: "God gives every bird a worm, but does not throw it into the nest." Buddha said, "I do not believe in a fate that falls on men as they are, but I believe in fate that falls on them unless they have been inactive».
5. Show understanding
The fight for the truth has become a never-ending fight for themselves. Do not show understanding towards others, do not expect that you will understand. Put your all efforts to understand and accept the other person's point of view and you will gain peace of mind. In life it is more important to be happy than right.
6. Win yourself
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory will belong to you. Victory over itself - it is a victory of reason, that is, control over thoughts. They should not rage like waves of the sea. If you doubt that the thoughts are manageable, consider this phrase Enlightened "You can not prevent birds flying over you, but you can certainly prevent her build a nest on your head».
7. Harmony within you
Do not look outside of what can only be in your heart. Often we seek the harmony around him, only to escape from reality. The truth is that harmony can only be found within ourselves. Harmony - is not a new job, not a new car or a new marriage; Harmony - is the world of the soul, and it starts with you.
8. Thank
Stop your thoughts and remember, at least 10 things for you should be grateful. Think about the fact that not all were able to wake up this morning, and here you have the first reason for gratitude. Expand your heart and soul with gratitude and it will answer your inner harmony, to which we all aspire!
Gautama Buddha gave the world the Teaching of Life, which was designed to teach people how to use the great truths in everyday life. He taught the ethics of life. All we ask a question of appearance and ethics in society, but without the understanding and further development of his inner world, all efforts in vain - for a well-groomed appearance hides a pure ignorance. This creates an imbalance and mental suffering. Remember these lessons and seek harmony within yourself.
Tell your friends about these lessons and they will certainly be bagodarny you!
via takprosto cc
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