17 life hacks that will make 2015 the best year of your life!

To make the new year better than the old, enter it with new knowledge and useful tips. By making life easier for yourself, you make its quality higher, because the state of happiness often visits you. These 17 life hacks can help you cope with many small situations that can be uncomfortable. Take advantage of these tips, and 2015 will definitely be better than the previous one!

1. When the phone sits down, turn it on in the mode of operation on the plane - you will significantly save battery power.
2. Save money without even realizing it: save small money and put it in a special piggy bank. You've been dreaming of trying!
3. If you put deodorant on the back of your neck, you won't feel so hot when you dry your hair.
4. When you need to wake up very early in the morning and do not have time to wash your hair, think about dry shampoo. Apply it on your hair in the evening and you won’t have to hurry in the morning.
5. Shaving cream can be used as an excellent hair conditioner! Try and imagine how much money you can save on cosmetics in this way.
6. Stop using a dirty keyboard – buy a special tape that is inserted between the keys and keeps the keyboard clean.
7. Save space in the closet by hanging things in two floors, clinging one hanger to another.
8. Spots of toothpaste will easily wash off the sink and tiles if you use a little dish detergent to flush.
9. Stack clothes in the closet in vertical stacks - so much more fits.
10. Remove the stains from the deodorant with regular paper. It works!
11. To prevent earrings from getting lost, connect them with a pin or store them stuck in a suitable synthetic material.
12. If you have a lot of keys on the ligament, nail polish will help you distinguish them. Paint them in different colors to easily find the right one.
13. Frozen grapes cool alcoholic beverages perfectly without dissolving them.
14. To carry shoes that turned out to be cramped, wear them with warm socks and blow on your feet with a hot stream of hair dryer. The shoe size will change!
15. The ploy or hair forceps iron the collars on the shirt flawlessly.
16. To wake up immediately after the alarm clock rings, put it away from the bed. Simple trick, but how it helps!
17. Good advice for closet order: in the new year, put away separately what you were wearing – hang somewhere else. At the end of the year, see what things are left untouched and throw them away without regret!
Let these little tips decorate your life and make it even better. We all need clues and tricks that make life easier. All you have to do is remember them in time.
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