Do not operate the air conditioner immediately after the engine starts! This can have tragic consequences ...
When we sit in the car and we start it, it often did not hesitate to immediately include air conditioning and go about their business. By doing so, you are not only risking their own health but also the health of their loved ones. The fact that, leaving the car on the street, we always close the windows, so no one climbed inside. But in a parked car in the shade with the windows closed for the day can accumulate 400-800 mg of Benzene. If you are parked in the sun at a temperature above 16 degrees, the level of benzene reach 2 000-4 000 mg, which is 40 times higher than the permissible level.
Sitting in the car, in which the windows were closed, people are starting to breathe benzene, and because the toxin affects the kidneys, bone and liver. Moreover, it is eliminated from the body very slowly and poorly. The owner's manual says that before turning on the air conditioner, open the windows for 2 minutes, but the reason is not available, but there is a hint of better performance of the car.
medical justification
The research results show that, before starting to cool, air-conditioned throws all the heated air in the plastic out, and with it the benzene - toxin that causes cancer. Therefore, getting into the car, even if you do not immediately feel the smell of heated plastic in your car, open the windows for a few minutes.
Obezopas yourself and passengers who are with you in your car - do not operate the air conditioner immediately after starting the machine!
First, open the windows for a few minutes, and then turn on the air conditioner. Do not close the windows for a few minutes until the running car. Many of unbound found in gasoline hydrocarbons (particularly aromatic, such as benzene), and various additives are carcinogenic.
Get yourself into the habit of opening the window, got into the car, so that your body is not saturated with toxins, because the consequences can be very tragic!
via takprosto cc

Sitting in the car, in which the windows were closed, people are starting to breathe benzene, and because the toxin affects the kidneys, bone and liver. Moreover, it is eliminated from the body very slowly and poorly. The owner's manual says that before turning on the air conditioner, open the windows for 2 minutes, but the reason is not available, but there is a hint of better performance of the car.
medical justification
The research results show that, before starting to cool, air-conditioned throws all the heated air in the plastic out, and with it the benzene - toxin that causes cancer. Therefore, getting into the car, even if you do not immediately feel the smell of heated plastic in your car, open the windows for a few minutes.
Obezopas yourself and passengers who are with you in your car - do not operate the air conditioner immediately after starting the machine!
First, open the windows for a few minutes, and then turn on the air conditioner. Do not close the windows for a few minutes until the running car. Many of unbound found in gasoline hydrocarbons (particularly aromatic, such as benzene), and various additives are carcinogenic.
Get yourself into the habit of opening the window, got into the car, so that your body is not saturated with toxins, because the consequences can be very tragic!
via takprosto cc
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