Life is priceless! As the dollar and eleven cents a childlike faith can save a little life.
The eternal phrase of the price and precious life that you feel empty and trivial words, successful people to throw away? Surely you skeptical philosophical conversation about life and death? Your skepticism is undoubtedly completely disappear when you read this stunning story about adult precocious little girl nine Tessie, which managed to save the life of his younger brother Ted, who suffers from an incurable disease.
One little girl heard the conversation desperate mother and father about the terrible grief, what has happened to their families. The fact that their youngest son was seriously ill. Parents do not know where to get the money for the operation, which could be the last chance for a cure baby.
- it can save only a miracle, i> - not holding back tears, with a hint of hopelessness and despair, his mother said.
A small miracle named Tessie, without hesitation, ran to his room and pulled out a glass piggy bank with cans of jam, which keep their savings for the purchase of its ordinary and, accordingly, any dream come true. The little girl ran out of the house and instantly rushed to a nearby pharmacy.
Pharmacist together led the conversation with a stern-looking, dressed in an expensive suit, a man and do not seem to notice the baby. Tessa knew she could not waste time, when her younger brother die of a terrible disease. Because it is, without hesitation, began to attract the attention of not fulfilling its responsibilities official apothecary: first, the girl cleared her throat, made him a sign of his presence, then lightly tapped on the glass with a coin counter. Finally pharmacist reluctantly interrupted the conversation turned to annoyance and persistent girl:
- What a terrible upbringing! Young lady, you want something ?! Can not you see I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I have not seen a hundred years. He is in a hurry. I>
- You know, I could wait, but I want to talk to you about my brother, who can not wait, as he is dying. The parents were told that he can save only a miracle. I'd like to buy you a miracle. I>
- What are you talking about? Sorry, but we do not sell miracles. You see, that is conceived, I wanted to buy in a pharmacy of a miracle. I>
- My brother is very sick. Dad said that he had to grow something in my head, and that every day takes the baby a chance to live. He is now only a miracle can help. Do not worry, I have with me the money, I'll pay as you like, just please help him, i> - with eyes full of tears Tess said, pulling out a piggy bank savings last.
After watching this conversation from the side, the girl came well-dressed brother pharmacist, bent and with a kind expression on his face turned to her:
- Honey, I think I know how to help you. What would be a miracle could save the life of your brother? I>
- Mom and Dad said that the hope of life to my little brother can give only operation. But Dad does not have money to pay for it. So I decided to help parents and took their money. Here the dollar and eleven cents
- Once again convinced that we are always at the right time in the right place, i> - said sternly dressed man with a kind smile on his face and asked the girl to show him the way to their house.
How not cool, but in life there are no easy matches. Believe it or not but, but his brother was the famous surgeon pharmacist Carlton Armstrong. But he did not, and great faith of a little girl Tessie much larger than the "mustard seed", saved the life of her younger brother Ted. A doctor specializing in neurosurgery, the boy had a complicated operation for free. Parents Ted and Tessie were in seventh heaven because their son after rehabilitation at the hospital was able to return home completely healthy.
And you still do not believe in miracles? Yes, miracles do not exist around us, miracles are within each of us. This is the way an adult precocious little miracle Tessie miraculously managed to save the life of his little brother. And how much it is worth? Is one dollar and eleven cents ?
Have faith even with the "mustard seed" and share this amazing story with your friends!
via ofigenno cc

One little girl heard the conversation desperate mother and father about the terrible grief, what has happened to their families. The fact that their youngest son was seriously ill. Parents do not know where to get the money for the operation, which could be the last chance for a cure baby.
- it can save only a miracle, i> - not holding back tears, with a hint of hopelessness and despair, his mother said.
A small miracle named Tessie, without hesitation, ran to his room and pulled out a glass piggy bank with cans of jam, which keep their savings for the purchase of its ordinary and, accordingly, any dream come true. The little girl ran out of the house and instantly rushed to a nearby pharmacy.
Pharmacist together led the conversation with a stern-looking, dressed in an expensive suit, a man and do not seem to notice the baby. Tessa knew she could not waste time, when her younger brother die of a terrible disease. Because it is, without hesitation, began to attract the attention of not fulfilling its responsibilities official apothecary: first, the girl cleared her throat, made him a sign of his presence, then lightly tapped on the glass with a coin counter. Finally pharmacist reluctantly interrupted the conversation turned to annoyance and persistent girl:
- What a terrible upbringing! Young lady, you want something ?! Can not you see I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I have not seen a hundred years. He is in a hurry. I>
- You know, I could wait, but I want to talk to you about my brother, who can not wait, as he is dying. The parents were told that he can save only a miracle. I'd like to buy you a miracle. I>
- What are you talking about? Sorry, but we do not sell miracles. You see, that is conceived, I wanted to buy in a pharmacy of a miracle. I>
- My brother is very sick. Dad said that he had to grow something in my head, and that every day takes the baby a chance to live. He is now only a miracle can help. Do not worry, I have with me the money, I'll pay as you like, just please help him, i> - with eyes full of tears Tess said, pulling out a piggy bank savings last.
After watching this conversation from the side, the girl came well-dressed brother pharmacist, bent and with a kind expression on his face turned to her:
- Honey, I think I know how to help you. What would be a miracle could save the life of your brother? I>
- Mom and Dad said that the hope of life to my little brother can give only operation. But Dad does not have money to pay for it. So I decided to help parents and took their money. Here the dollar and eleven cents
- Once again convinced that we are always at the right time in the right place, i> - said sternly dressed man with a kind smile on his face and asked the girl to show him the way to their house.
How not cool, but in life there are no easy matches. Believe it or not but, but his brother was the famous surgeon pharmacist Carlton Armstrong. But he did not, and great faith of a little girl Tessie much larger than the "mustard seed", saved the life of her younger brother Ted. A doctor specializing in neurosurgery, the boy had a complicated operation for free. Parents Ted and Tessie were in seventh heaven because their son after rehabilitation at the hospital was able to return home completely healthy.
And you still do not believe in miracles? Yes, miracles do not exist around us, miracles are within each of us. This is the way an adult precocious little miracle Tessie miraculously managed to save the life of his little brother. And how much it is worth? Is one dollar and eleven cents ?
Have faith even with the "mustard seed" and share this amazing story with your friends!
via ofigenno cc
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