Serial production of the MiG-29K / KUB
The pride of the Russian aircraft - MiG-29. The first studies for the project Light Tactical Fighter (PRL), a new generation started in the late 1960s. In 1969 a competition was announced for the development of this aircraft. It was attended by the Sukhoi design bureau and Yakovlev and Mikoyan and Gurevich. The winner was recognized OKB "MiG". Detailed study of the project started in 1971. The first flight of the prototype was committed October 6, 1977, and series production deployed in 1982 on the basis of the Moscow factory number 30 ("Banner of Labor"). In August 1983 the first production of the MiG-29 began arriving in the Soviet Air Force. By the beginning of 1985 the first two regiment on the MiG-29 achieved operational readiness. In 1988, the MiG-29 was first presented at the international air show in Farnborough. This type of fighter actively exported to many countries. It was designed and produced many different versions, including the deck. Just before 1991 produced about 800 MiG-29.