Astronomers have studied the unusual supernova in unusual places outside of galaxies

Astronomers have discovered some unusual supernova : they not only turned out to be far beyond gave rise their host galaxies, but also rushed much earlier than predicted their life cycle. Another distinctive feature was its unusually high content of calcium. In a paper published in the monthly journal of the Royal Astronomical community, the research team reveals his views on this phenomenon.
Team led by Ryan Foley of the University of Illinois. According to him, the life story of the stars - is complicated and full of unexpected twists and turns, and includes a double star systems, galaxies and merging binary black holes.
Initial assumptions scientists was that these stars are kicked out of their galaxies some force. "If you look around the site of the explosion, you will not find any traces of the formation of stars or star clusters or old stars - anything - said Foley. - It became clear that these comrades were born somewhere else and came a long way before you die. "
To prove that they are moving, and to find their original positions, astronomers have studied the archive materials from multiple locations of observation (the Lick Observatory in California, and the WM Keck Observatory and Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, Subaru - is the Japanese name for the Pleiades constellation, and the telescope, being on Hawaii, belongs to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
Native flown away galaxy of stars composed mainly of older stars, many of which turned into a white dwarf, spending all his energy. To play such a blast, the remains of which scientists observed, the white dwarf to pull mass from a companion star, with it being in a binary system. These supernovae have been found in abundance in the studied galaxies - but why do some stars so quickly broke down from their familiar places?
It is known that due to the gravitational interaction supermassive black hole at the center of galaxies and stars, the latter often accelerates to high speeds and leave their home galaxy. Foley, observe the interest in his supernovae, have found that they have approximately the same speed as the stars, overclocked hole - about 7 million kilometers per hour. In this manner, they were doing an impressive journey - some of the stars examined were found half a million light years from their galaxies.
According to Foley, give such acceleration from a double star system could have a system of two massive black holes. And in the course of further study of archival data revealed that massive elliptical galaxies, of which our departed stars, or were in the process of merging with other galaxies or have already merged. This means that their center will be just two supermassive black holes.
Combining the two galaxies violates the established balance in them and interrupts complicated dance stars. The two black holes act on the double star systems in such a way that the stars of these systems are fired into intergalactic space at very high speed.
And that is why the formation of the new elements in these stars has ceased to manufacture calcium, it remains a mystery to scientists. Usually, the stars live up to the state in which they are able to produce heavier elements (metals), before they turn into supernovae.
Foley hopes that this type of supernovae in the future will help to find a dual system of black holes - very interesting science phenomena that can give scientists new information about gravity stations, quasars, dark matter and other astrophysical mysteries.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260276/
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