Birds continue to attack quadrocopters

All sorts of unmanned aerial vehicles available to regular users, a lot now. Accordingly, owners of such vehicles are using them for various purposes - from the banal observation of natural objects, to spy stuff. Shamelessly spying annoying a lot of people, the authorities of different countries and even began to consider the possibility of introducing restrictions on flying drones (in many cases, these restrictions make sense).
But not only annoying quadrocopters humans but also animals, particularly birds. Most recently, on quadrocopter flying over a wooded area in Australia, he was attacked by an eagle with a wingspan of 2 meters. At the same time until the last moment the eagle just to be seen. Within seconds, a bird hit by a drone, and he fell to the ground.
Owner quadrocopters alleges that during the attack the eagle does not hurt - he was able to shoot down the drone and not injured. Of course, the owner of the device concerned for your device, but for a bird he experienced more.
Generally speaking, quite often drones attacked by birds. Yes, not only predatory feathered, but rather through peaceful birds: geese, crows. Probably soon have to invent a way to protect quadrocopters bird, because the cost of equipment, suspended by copter, often exceeds the cost of the copter.
The case described above is not something unique. For example, last year the machine running operator Christopher Schmidt attacked a hawk. The operator already had heard about similar situations, so time to put copter to land before the fall and shatter.
Less fortunate to another operator whose copter was attacked by a group of birds that have caused the crash of the aircraft.
Geese seem to also do not like being watched:
Kangaroo seem to train because they are very good at war with quadrocopters:
Stands out in this regard chimpanzees:
And fishermen (note how accurate turned fisherman, try to knock quadrocopter).
So, dear owners quadrocopters, beware.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260248/