"Beltelecom" is going to monetize the "iron curtain"

Provider of All Belarus has decided to keep up with the global trend to restrict the free access to information and posted 05/15/2015 tender to purchase equipment (hardware and software) to block sites and spy on users. It should be noted that on the initiative has been reported on the geektimes , but some details at the time was not.
And now, after 15 days on some sites began to appear the details of the tender, which reflect the commercial component of this initiative.
According to the website Charter'97: "One of the lots of the tender for delivery of APC capable of identifying tariff and outbound voice traffic (including IP-telephony) with reference to a particular user (client) on the Internet." This information suggests that after the commissioning of the AIC Skype users, vaybera and other programs that provide voice, we can expect the relevant notices to pay telephone tariffs on commercial monopoly.
Also HSS "must be able to replace the advertising on the Internet resources accessed by a particular user, on advertising, which sets the customer" - reported on the website TUT.by, while "replacement as a fixed advertising customer and the context advertising, from the database based on the classification of users visited nature resources ". Ideologically, we get a system like some OPSOSami or free wi-FEMA in the subway when the provider crashed their banners, advertising on the site, and now imagine that we are able to do such a "feint ears" in the traffic of the whole country.
It should be noted that according to statistics Belstat 57% of households are connected to the Internet, and about 4 million people use the Internet every day.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251554/