Dreams of the future of aviation

Today marks 126 years since the birth of the talented aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky. Prior to his emigration to the United States, after the October Revolution, Sikorsky had to develop a lot of planes. He was the author of the first in the world four-engine airplane "Russian Vityaz" and then the "Ilya Muromets", which became a breakthrough for its time, and the world's first passenger aircraft.

Although fully revealed in talent Sikorsky helicopter industry after his emigration. Since then, the aircraft has come a long way from the wood-canvas unsightly snail to machines capable to fly thousands of kilometers to tens of hundreds of tons of cargo and passengers. In 1913, when taking off, "Russian Vityaz", even the crazy science fiction did not occur, how far will step through 100 years of aviation. And what it can be even a century later, in the year 2115? It is unlikely that we can make plans so far, but still fantasize about it is not obstructed. And in honor of the birth of Igor Sikorsky, we have made for you a selection of concepts of the future of aviation.
Today made only one serial tiltrotor - Bell V-22 Osprey . However, many countries have a keen interest in the aircraft, capable of flying the helicopter and how, and how the plane. Landing jet drone tiltrotor:

Superheavy Chinese tiltrotor:

The development of sub-orbital aircraft is a real high-tech aircraft, along with hypersonic aircraft. In particular, in 3-5 years it is expected appearance of the first samples of military hypersonic aircraft.

Passenger shuttle, capable of acting in the atmosphere and interplanetary space:

Unfortunately for fans of aviation, supersonic handsome "Concord" were decommissioned due to neokupaemostyu. Now in vogue flying buses, the apotheosis of which was the Airbus A380. Yet the dream of supersonic lives, and in the future may again be necessary in such devices.

Suborbital rocket plane:

Maybe we are waiting for the revival and airships, which are a combination of a number of parameters have no competitors among all other aircrafts.

Probably, commercial passenger carriers will continue to gravitate toward the most economical aircraft. And then the air buses future may find this kind:

In general, no matter what was the aircraft of the future are already in 50-100 years, one thing is certain - it will be very different from today's aircraft. Perhaps the accumulated mass of concepts and fantastic design will gradually find its reflection in real samples and, possibly, science and technology will generate is that to us today and it is impossible to fantasize. Just as our ancestors 100 years ago.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/mailru/blog/250936/
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