MRO orbiter photographed Curiosity from orbit
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Checkmate, supporters Reptilians government conspiracies, who think that creeps Curiosity somewhere in the next hangar NASA (how many of them, hangars something?), Stylized Mars. Today NASA post pictures Curisity, make that product MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) c orbit. The picture is very clear , and it easily (still, highlighted with a frame), you can consider our worker committing an endless voyage to Mars.
Of course, over the supporters of conspiracy - it is a joke, but the value can not be underestimated photos - here and historical value (still, one spacecraft, located near another planet, photographed his colleague), and scientific value. Photo made itself a tool High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), at 949 sol (photo taken on April 8).
The photo was taken during a promotion for the rover Artist's Drive to a higher region of Mount Sharp. Scientists want at this point to conduct a study of the geological structure of the region. It is now known that the rocks in the region are represented by sandstones, siltstones with yields gypsum (gypsum veins). Bottom of the mountain Sharpe represented by these rocks. That is above - will be known after some time when the rover climb the hill.
Larger scale map of the region can be found this link .
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249428/
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