Fascinating video rotation NASA satellites around the Earth
See eternally can not only at how fire burns, water flows, but also at how NASA satellites revolve in orbit. A few days ago the agency laid out animation for its 18 satellites that are in low orbit. These spacecraft constantly transmit the necessary information to mankind on Earth: data on the state of the soil, images of various regions, the results of observations of the deserts, forests and cities of our planet. Time of the satellite around the Earth is half an hour. In the video "compression" about 12 hours of real time.
By the way, most of the satellites follow a certain type полярной orbit , called солнечно-синхронной. This type of orbit allows the satellite to observe the same region in the same time (local time) each day.
Some of these satellites - Aqua, Aura, CALIPSO, and CloudSat, even combined in a "satellite train», A-Train. In the video, A-Train appears in 0:07, followed by satellites in almost identical orbits. Interestingly, the time interval between CloudSat and CALIPSO is only 12, 5 seconds. The "train" has been very useful for scientists, as 4 satellites are 15 scientific instruments. And, as the satellites pass over the same regions approximately the same time, the data obtained by these tools can be easily compared. Such a system operation may be described as a single satellite with 15 scientific instruments on board.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247064/