Miniature worlds Satoshi Araki
Japanese artist from Tokyo Araki Satoshi (Satoshi Araki) creates stunning miniature city diorama, which demonstrates the withering civilization or investigation razrusheniy.
Drama microcosm
When parallel worlds collide, quantum mechanics is born
Mini pigs — two in one
Body Worlds exhibition - art or mockery?
30 paintings, filled with fabulous heat
Quantum mechanics is a strange realm of reality
Information — a fundamental concept of the universe
9 Strangest Consequences of Multi-World Interpretation
6 worlds of samsaric existence in the Tibetan Bon tradition
Parallel Worlds in Science Fiction: From Theory to Practice
Manga by Gucci
When the eyes are more important than words
Moments when people say the eyes
10 mind-blowing movie, of which you've never heard of
26 pairs of eyes that will tell you all about the horrors of the Earth
10 IT-occupations of the future
The theory of information transmission from the future himself
Our universe is a hologram
Worlds on their backs
According to the new theory, parallel universes may exist in reality
Neil Gaiman: Smart people read fiction
Why is our future depends on the reading and the imagination
Drama microcosm
When parallel worlds collide, quantum mechanics is born
Mini pigs — two in one
Body Worlds exhibition - art or mockery?
30 paintings, filled with fabulous heat
Quantum mechanics is a strange realm of reality
Information — a fundamental concept of the universe
9 Strangest Consequences of Multi-World Interpretation
6 worlds of samsaric existence in the Tibetan Bon tradition
Parallel Worlds in Science Fiction: From Theory to Practice
Manga by Gucci
When the eyes are more important than words
Moments when people say the eyes
10 mind-blowing movie, of which you've never heard of
26 pairs of eyes that will tell you all about the horrors of the Earth
10 IT-occupations of the future
The theory of information transmission from the future himself
Our universe is a hologram
Worlds on their backs
According to the new theory, parallel universes may exist in reality
Neil Gaiman: Smart people read fiction
Why is our future depends on the reading and the imagination
NASA posted a net video depicting the dark side of the moon
Ocean currents swept diver with frantic speed