Realistic replica food in restaurants in Japan
Japanese restaurants often display in their windows a delicious range of dishes: sushi, noodles, soups and burgers. As you can imagine, with windows no one will agree to eat. But this meal even want - will not be able to eat.
The fact that almost everywhere exhibited realistic plastic casts dishes. The point is not only to potential visitor at the sight of such beauty instantly agreed to go to a restaurant dine. The fact that most of the menu in Japanese tourists and difficult to navigate in the dishes. Visibility helps find common ground without knowing the language. These replicas are called sampuru and they appeared in Japan nearly a century ago. However, initially they were used to decorate homes. The cost of a "full menu" can manage a restaurant in an amount exceeding $ 8,500.

The fact that almost everywhere exhibited realistic plastic casts dishes. The point is not only to potential visitor at the sight of such beauty instantly agreed to go to a restaurant dine. The fact that most of the menu in Japanese tourists and difficult to navigate in the dishes. Visibility helps find common ground without knowing the language. These replicas are called sampuru and they appeared in Japan nearly a century ago. However, initially they were used to decorate homes. The cost of a "full menu" can manage a restaurant in an amount exceeding $ 8,500.