New teaser for kraudfandingovoy space toy Star Citizen

Games, heroes who master space, almost always entertaining. Such toys can be held and pereprohodit, not intrusive (at least the majority). One can recall the «No Man's Sky» and «Elite: Dangerous».
Now preparing to release several more games space subjects, including the sensational «Star Citizen». This game has collected 70 million dollars in aid donations gamers. As you know, «Star Citizen» - this is a very large project, consisting of six main elements. Some elements of working part - getting ready. In 2015, should leave "module FPS», «Planetary module», «Squadron 42" and start the whole game world is scheduled for early 2016. Now developers представили the whole cutting video of the game, a video where you can see well how beautiful space can be, even if in a virtual world.
head of the project says that for him the game - it's like another world, which is submerged.
All the plans of developers know now impossible, but to understand how huge game world, you can. It's enough to see the infamous teaser.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/243439/
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