The deepest river in the world
What do you think, what could be the depth of the river? And if you put the question bluntly and search for the answer to the definition of the deepest river in the world? Sure, most of us do not know the correct answer. And only a few know how the name of this river.
Let's start with the tips, which can further confuse you. This river is the only one of the largest rivers in the world, which crosses the equator twice. And yet, this same river is the second most affluent in the world, second only to Amazon. In general, we will not torment you. This river is located in the central part of Africa and called Congo. Its depth can reach an incredible 230 meters! For comparison, the deepest lake on the mainland Australia called Saint-Clair and its depth does not exceed 200 meters.
Let's start with the tips, which can further confuse you. This river is the only one of the largest rivers in the world, which crosses the equator twice. And yet, this same river is the second most affluent in the world, second only to Amazon. In general, we will not torment you. This river is located in the central part of Africa and called Congo. Its depth can reach an incredible 230 meters! For comparison, the deepest lake on the mainland Australia called Saint-Clair and its depth does not exceed 200 meters.