Pots for seedlings from the shell
Seedlings, especially after picking needs of individual capacity, so it is more convenient to look after it, and then transplanted to the plots. And these receptacles, small houses for the plants, as a rule, is not enough.
We offer to make pots for seedlings from the fact that there is always in the house - from the eggshell. Seedling in egg shell - it's easy and environmentally friendly. And most importantly, that of these pots when planting in the mainland do not need to remove the plant, the roots in the ground strikes the shell, and she will serve as a good fertilizer.
Remove the small piece of shell eggs on top. Zagotovte thus necessary number of empty shells and boil them necessarily - it is necessary, to disinfect.
Awl or thick needle at the bottom of the eggs make a small drain hole, such as the photo, it is quite enough.
It now remains to fill the earth and plant seeds or seedling plants. And well watered.
After a few days there will be shoots.
A month or two such seedlings with eggshells can be planted in open ground.