What if ... the earth was left without the moon?
If you compress the time of existence of our planet up to 24 hours, the moon would appear 10 minutes after the start of reference. Satellite - not just a piece of stone. Without it, life on Earth would have looked very different, and perhaps all would have never formed
9 photos.
Random climate
Changing seasons we must tilt the Earth's axis to the plane of its orbit. Moon aligns earth "bumpy", and the angle is constant. Without satellite unchanging climate extremes would periodically replaced with the same temperature difference between winter and autumn, as between the South Pole and the equator.
Possibility life
In the early stages of the Earth - Moon system under the influence of gravity of the satellite, the uneven to the proximal and distal parts of the planet, the Earth's magma is constantly moving. This is further heated the Earth, and it remained liquid and warm longer "Regulations" period. Perhaps it is this delay gave the nascent life a chance to gain a foothold on the planet.
Dark night
Moonless night on Earth would be much darker than it is now. The second brightest object in the night sky, Venus shines in 14 000 times weaker than the satellite. Evolving in total darkness, primates evolved to a great night vision - otherwise they would simply eat predators. And who knows, it would take time to invent the light bulb.
No eclipses
Do not be the moon, humans will never be able to enjoy a solar eclipse. Thanks successfully "matched" to the distance in a time when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, its shadow completely covers the star. Next on the size of objects that can "overshadow" the Sun - Venus - look at his background as a tiny dark spot.
Superfast year
Sputnik not only makes the Earth's oceans move. Because of the so-called tidal acceleration of the Earth each year rotates slower. Over a century year is extended to two microseconds (a microsecond - one millionth of a second). Since the planet has acquired satellite, he slowed the rotation of the earth several times! Without lunar day would last eight hours and year totaled more than 1000 days.
The harsh climate
Because of the speed of rotation of the Earth's atmosphere all the time would be formed by a flood, wind and storm. Most of today's animals and plants would not survive such conditions, so that the flora and fauna of a moonless Earth would resemble the flora and fauna harsh steppes and high plateaus.
Calm water
Ocean water moves tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun, and the contribution of the star is only 40%. Without lunar gravity would not have many corals and shellfish, which are stationary and catch food in moving under the influence of lunar water. So, the marine food chain would be arranged quite differently.
Space accident
It is believed that the Earth was formed 4, 56 billion years ago and has already acquired a companion 30 million years after the planet crashed into an object the size of Mars. He knocked out the then semi-giant planet piece that could not overcome the force of gravity, and remained in Earth orbit. Initially, the moon was at a distance of 20 000-30 000 km from the planet - 20 times closer than they are now.
Moon not only adorns the night sky and excites lovers. Despite the considerable distance (astronauts get to the satellite three days), the moon affects the Earth is stronger than any other celestial body. Picture of the mountains and plains, wildlife and even oceans duration of day - no moon on the planet it would be different.
Posted in [mergetime] 1415187732 [/ mergetime]
That's all !!! All good !!! Today, the full moon, the moon will enjoy with your favorite :)
9 photos.

Random climate
Changing seasons we must tilt the Earth's axis to the plane of its orbit. Moon aligns earth "bumpy", and the angle is constant. Without satellite unchanging climate extremes would periodically replaced with the same temperature difference between winter and autumn, as between the South Pole and the equator.

Possibility life
In the early stages of the Earth - Moon system under the influence of gravity of the satellite, the uneven to the proximal and distal parts of the planet, the Earth's magma is constantly moving. This is further heated the Earth, and it remained liquid and warm longer "Regulations" period. Perhaps it is this delay gave the nascent life a chance to gain a foothold on the planet.

Dark night
Moonless night on Earth would be much darker than it is now. The second brightest object in the night sky, Venus shines in 14 000 times weaker than the satellite. Evolving in total darkness, primates evolved to a great night vision - otherwise they would simply eat predators. And who knows, it would take time to invent the light bulb.

No eclipses
Do not be the moon, humans will never be able to enjoy a solar eclipse. Thanks successfully "matched" to the distance in a time when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, its shadow completely covers the star. Next on the size of objects that can "overshadow" the Sun - Venus - look at his background as a tiny dark spot.

Superfast year
Sputnik not only makes the Earth's oceans move. Because of the so-called tidal acceleration of the Earth each year rotates slower. Over a century year is extended to two microseconds (a microsecond - one millionth of a second). Since the planet has acquired satellite, he slowed the rotation of the earth several times! Without lunar day would last eight hours and year totaled more than 1000 days.

The harsh climate
Because of the speed of rotation of the Earth's atmosphere all the time would be formed by a flood, wind and storm. Most of today's animals and plants would not survive such conditions, so that the flora and fauna of a moonless Earth would resemble the flora and fauna harsh steppes and high plateaus.

Calm water
Ocean water moves tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun, and the contribution of the star is only 40%. Without lunar gravity would not have many corals and shellfish, which are stationary and catch food in moving under the influence of lunar water. So, the marine food chain would be arranged quite differently.

Space accident
It is believed that the Earth was formed 4, 56 billion years ago and has already acquired a companion 30 million years after the planet crashed into an object the size of Mars. He knocked out the then semi-giant planet piece that could not overcome the force of gravity, and remained in Earth orbit. Initially, the moon was at a distance of 20 000-30 000 km from the planet - 20 times closer than they are now.
Moon not only adorns the night sky and excites lovers. Despite the considerable distance (astronauts get to the satellite three days), the moon affects the Earth is stronger than any other celestial body. Picture of the mountains and plains, wildlife and even oceans duration of day - no moon on the planet it would be different.
Posted in [mergetime] 1415187732 [/ mergetime]
That's all !!! All good !!! Today, the full moon, the moon will enjoy with your favorite :)