The city on the river ferry
Svijazhsk - a small town with an incredible destiny. He influenced the course of Russian history, became a graveyard for thousands of Soviet people, and eventually turned into a haven of Russian culture
28 photo.
In Svijazhsk can be reached by boat or by car dambe.Put from Kazan takes about an hour.
In summer, all roadside near the road turns into a giant parking lot. People go fishing or walk around the city.
Svijazhsk - genealny project of Ivan the Terrible. He appeared too quickly and caused the collapse of the Tatar Khanate. In 1551 the Grand Duke could not get Kazan. War, committed forced marches, much tired. They needed a secure fortress, which could take a breath. Build a city under the noses of the enemy - the problem is unrealistic. Therefore, Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of its solid larch in Uglich, rename beams and logs, parse and send them along the Volga. Later, 75 thousand people gathered again the city for some four weeks.
The fortress was named Sviyazhsky and turned into the main base troops during the siege of Kazan.
Posted in [mergetime] 1413807401 [/ mergetime]
Do Sviyazhska bloody history in 1918 by order of Trotsky are put to the wall every tenth of a Red Army. Soviet power angered that the soldiers could not knock the Czechs from Kazan.
In 1937 the fortress was turned into a gulag. Over 11 years within its walls disappeared five thousand people. Repressed Zeki's dying in terrible conditions. Diseases and cold caused gangrene, people amputees. The local museum is still stored homemade dentures.
Today, the castle became a great tourist spot.
The height of the festivities in honor of the soup. The children in national costumes danced, men wore chainmail, took their swords and staged theatrical battle.
Future Knights:
Svijazhsk dotted with beautiful cathedrals, temples and churches:
Posted in [mergetime] 1413807831 [/ mergetime]
Local no hurry to move to Kazan. The village has become a tourist paradise, the work is there, the money flow freely. Living conditions are quite good. If earlier for the water had to go to the well, it is now home to the availability of all the necessary communications.
Quote (IzyaShniperson @ 20.10.2014 - 16:24) ...
28 photo.

In Svijazhsk can be reached by boat or by car dambe.Put from Kazan takes about an hour.

In summer, all roadside near the road turns into a giant parking lot. People go fishing or walk around the city.

Svijazhsk - genealny project of Ivan the Terrible. He appeared too quickly and caused the collapse of the Tatar Khanate. In 1551 the Grand Duke could not get Kazan. War, committed forced marches, much tired. They needed a secure fortress, which could take a breath. Build a city under the noses of the enemy - the problem is unrealistic. Therefore, Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of its solid larch in Uglich, rename beams and logs, parse and send them along the Volga. Later, 75 thousand people gathered again the city for some four weeks.
The fortress was named Sviyazhsky and turned into the main base troops during the siege of Kazan.
Posted in [mergetime] 1413807401 [/ mergetime]
Do Sviyazhska bloody history in 1918 by order of Trotsky are put to the wall every tenth of a Red Army. Soviet power angered that the soldiers could not knock the Czechs from Kazan.
In 1937 the fortress was turned into a gulag. Over 11 years within its walls disappeared five thousand people. Repressed Zeki's dying in terrible conditions. Diseases and cold caused gangrene, people amputees. The local museum is still stored homemade dentures.
Today, the castle became a great tourist spot.

The height of the festivities in honor of the soup. The children in national costumes danced, men wore chainmail, took their swords and staged theatrical battle.

Future Knights:

Svijazhsk dotted with beautiful cathedrals, temples and churches:
Posted in [mergetime] 1413807831 [/ mergetime]
Local no hurry to move to Kazan. The village has become a tourist paradise, the work is there, the money flow freely. Living conditions are quite good. If earlier for the water had to go to the well, it is now home to the availability of all the necessary communications.



Quote (IzyaShniperson @ 20.10.2014 - 16:24) ...