Mushroom Universe
The kingdom of fungi combines some features of both plants and animals. This is one of the largest and most diverse groups of living organisms, which has become an integral part of all aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. According to the current estimates, the world exists from 100 to 250 thousand, and by some estimates up to 1, 5 million species of fungi.
Some fungi are very familiar to us, but many look very exotic and even surreal. Welcome to the world of fungi.
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Amethyst Deceiver
2. Mycena - small mushrooms. The genus includes about 200 species, of which about 60 grows in the territory of the former USSR.
3. Marasmius Haematocephalus - Mushrooms of the genus Marasmius.
4. Rhodotus. Found throughout the northern hemisphere: in the east of North America, North Africa, Europe and Asia.
5. Mushrooms from family Phallaceae.
6. Schizophyllum commune - one of the most common fungi in the world, found on all continents except Antarctica.
7. Schizophyllum commune.
8. Mushroom Cyptotrama aspratum.
9. Mushrooms Leratiomyces sp.
10. Mushrooms Panus Fasciatus.
11. Reshetochnik red. Very rare (with naturally low number) mushroom. Listed in the Red Book. Mortally poisonous fungus.
12. Oudemansiella mucida - edible but tasteless mushroom.
13. Lepiota, or silverfish - genus of fungi of the family Mushroom.
14. Leratiomyces - genus of fungi of the family Strophariaceae.
15. Mushrooms Favolaschia Calocera.
16. Mushrooms Campanella sp.
17. Cup-shaped striped.
18. Coprinus comatus. In some European countries (Czech Republic, Finland, France) is highly regarded and considered a delicacy.
20. Geastrum. The scientific name is derived from the Latin. geo - «land" and aster - «Star". When ripe, the outer shell of the fruit bodies broken and becomes like a star.
21. Marine mushroom (Aseroe rubra) for us, this is an exotic fungus, but in Australia it is quite common. The fungus has an unpleasant odor, closely resembling rotten meat. This fungus odor attracts flies, which are the distributors of this type of fungi spores.
22. Morchella esculenta, is considered one of the largest family of fungi Smorchkova.
23. Crepidotus.
25. Mushrooms Red cup fungi.
26. Mycena hairy.
27. Raincoat. It grows in the forests of central Russia, primarily in the late summer.
Some fungi are very familiar to us, but many look very exotic and even surreal. Welcome to the world of fungi.
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Amethyst Deceiver

2. Mycena - small mushrooms. The genus includes about 200 species, of which about 60 grows in the territory of the former USSR.

3. Marasmius Haematocephalus - Mushrooms of the genus Marasmius.

4. Rhodotus. Found throughout the northern hemisphere: in the east of North America, North Africa, Europe and Asia.

5. Mushrooms from family Phallaceae.

6. Schizophyllum commune - one of the most common fungi in the world, found on all continents except Antarctica.

7. Schizophyllum commune.

8. Mushroom Cyptotrama aspratum.

9. Mushrooms Leratiomyces sp.

10. Mushrooms Panus Fasciatus.

11. Reshetochnik red. Very rare (with naturally low number) mushroom. Listed in the Red Book. Mortally poisonous fungus.

12. Oudemansiella mucida - edible but tasteless mushroom.

13. Lepiota, or silverfish - genus of fungi of the family Mushroom.

14. Leratiomyces - genus of fungi of the family Strophariaceae.

15. Mushrooms Favolaschia Calocera.

16. Mushrooms Campanella sp.

17. Cup-shaped striped.

18. Coprinus comatus. In some European countries (Czech Republic, Finland, France) is highly regarded and considered a delicacy.


20. Geastrum. The scientific name is derived from the Latin. geo - «land" and aster - «Star". When ripe, the outer shell of the fruit bodies broken and becomes like a star.

21. Marine mushroom (Aseroe rubra) for us, this is an exotic fungus, but in Australia it is quite common. The fungus has an unpleasant odor, closely resembling rotten meat. This fungus odor attracts flies, which are the distributors of this type of fungi spores.

22. Morchella esculenta, is considered one of the largest family of fungi Smorchkova.

23. Crepidotus.


25. Mushrooms Red cup fungi.

26. Mycena hairy.

27. Raincoat. It grows in the forests of central Russia, primarily in the late summer.

Carl Maydans. The Soviet Army
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