Aragorn and Arwen as a projection

When Aragorn is 2 years old, his father was killed in battle with the orcs. Then Aragorn's mother gave him to be raised in Rivendell powerful elf Elrond of Middle-earth. They hoped to hide the true origin of Aragorn from enemies, so that later he could claim the throne of Gondor. Aragorn was named Estel, which means "hope" in Sindarin (Elvish dialect).

When Bilbo went on his journey with the dwarves, Aragorn knocked 10 years. In all probability the hobbit could see the young Aragorn, when he visited Elrond in Rivendell.
At 20 years of age the heir of Isildur learns his true name of Elrond, who hands him the Ring of Barahir and the wreckage of the famous sword Narsil.

The next day, walking in the woods of Rivendell and singing a song about a girl elf Lúthien, who married a mortal man named Beren (the same fate awaited her great granddaughter Arwen), Aragorn meets Arwen, "evening star elves." First, he took her by the ghost of Luthien, whose incredible beauty was rumored, had no equal. Aragorn, Arwen even called "Tinuviel", that is the nickname that gave his beloved Beren. (Lúthien and Beren - characters in the book of John RR Tolkien's "The Silmarillion", published posthumously by his son Christopher Tolkien).

Aragorn, having lived many years in Rivendell, considerably embarrassed to learn that Arwen - sheltered his daughter of Elrond. This happened because Elrond did not want Aragorn learned of the existence of his daughter, and hid in her grandmother's Arwen Galadriel in Lothlorien.

For 33 years Aragorn wandered around Middle-earth, known as Thorongil. He served in the army of the 16th King of Rohan Tengelya (Theoden's father) and fought the troops of the 25th governor-ruler of Gondor Ecthelion II (father of Denethor). While Aragorn do great things and give people hope for a peaceful life.

When Aragorn was almost 50 years old, he visited Lórien, and there once again met Arwen, who made a marriage proposal. Rejecting the gift of immortality and dooming themselves to taste the bitterness of mortality, Arwen agrees.

Abandoning Elvish origin and accept the gift of death, the elves must feel all the hardships and privations of life on earth. That meant becoming mortal, they will not die as long until you lose everything, for what they gave up their immortality. For such a loss would be Arwen Aragorn.

When Aragorn turned 210 years old, he told his wife that "it's time to pay the bills." He knew that he would soon die, and chose to leave the world of sound mind and not decrepit, helpless and rapidly withering old man, how he could see Arwen. His last words were as Arwen: "We need to get away in sadness, but not in despair. Listen! Do not we ever tied to the circles of the world, and for them there is more than a memory. Goodbye! ».

After the death of the glorious Dúnedain Arwen was fated (as predicted by her father Elrond in the second part of the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers") roam the earth for many years, to find solace until it shall rest on top of a hill in Lorien, where they Aragorn vowed to love each other. Arwen lay on the fallen leaves on the tree mallorn Karin Amroth where faded and her infinitely long life without the beloved. This place has become her grave, as long as the world has not changed, and come after people have not forgotten the final days of her life.
The love story writer Tolkien and his wife Edith was the basis of the legend of Beren and Lúthien love, and she, in turn, reflected the love story of Aragorn and Arwen.
On gravestones Tolkien and his wife at the request of the writer was engraved "Lúthien" next to the name of Edith and "Beren" next to the name of Tolkien.

Source: imgur.com