"Langfang: Silicic Valley in Chinese?"
Langfang - not too large by Chinese standards (about 4 million) off the coast of the city, located in the north-east of the country. It was to this city experts are predicting become an information hub in northern China, where in the near future will be scheduled to accommodate data center unimaginable dimensions.
Years is not too plausible industrial city that lies between the two cities - Beijing (50 km) and Tianjin (90 km) - was not able to compete with their much more promising neighbors. But now, thanks all the same neighborhood, the city has a chance to become a major IT hub for the entire region.
depressed regions h4> In recent years, the funds are received in the development of the sphere of high-tech industry, have grown many times, and now account for about 20% of the GDP of the city. The roots of this situation lie in the past decade. Then for this territorial unit within government developed a special program to transform the neighborhood into the Chinese "Silicon Valley".
IBM does not sleep h4> It RTD with IBM in 2011 began to build in Langfang largest data center not only in Asia but throughout the world. The main power of the future mega-data center will serve to build on its base of a giant cloud service. Property area is incredible - it will be 585,000 square meters, which is comparable to the area, for example, the Pentagon! Fully object will be put into operation until 2017.
Pilgrimage IT corporations in Langfang h4> Langfang has recently become truly "Mecca" for major IT players. Following IBM, the second largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment in the world, the corporation Huawei, has announced plans to expand their computing capacity in Langfang. As the PR Manager Huawei: «Langfang already known in China as a large computer center, besides it is close to Beijing, where our research and production facilities." The company declined to disclose the budget of the project and its future at least approximate computing power.
Years is not too plausible industrial city that lies between the two cities - Beijing (50 km) and Tianjin (90 km) - was not able to compete with their much more promising neighbors. But now, thanks all the same neighborhood, the city has a chance to become a major IT hub for the entire region.