SALT: smart radio beacon protects wallet and phone

The problem of loss of smart phones and purses - one of the most relevant for the inhabitants of modern cities. Smartphone - one of the things that people often forget: in a taxi, in a café, at a party or at work. Purse forget less, but the loss of the purse - even more unpleasant event than the loss of a smartphone.
Now in the course went all sorts of devices to track the location of the object on which the device is secured. It's about radio beacons, to give a signal when deleting a user for a certain distance. SALT developers went even further, their device, except location tracking things in kototoroy this beacon is, performs a number of operations with a smartphone, if the beacon is removed from a certain distance.
Opportunities SALT
This gadget is an advanced radio beacon is created for the corresponding mobile app. Tracker is not too small, but it is intended to protect and find a limited number of things. More specifically, this wallet and smartphone.
SALT looks like a credit card, and on the front side of the map shows the unique number that identifies the card. Inside - a battery that lasts for autonomous operation for a year and a radio signal generator, module Bluetooth.

With SALT delivered and applications for mobile phones. When you remove the card from the smartphone to a distance of about 10 meters, the phone is locked. Unlock it is possible, using PIN. The developers claim that this scheme helps to protect your phone from prying hands of colleagues / relatives, in case the phone is left unattended.
In this case, you can lock the phone as a whole, and just block access to some applications (such as SMS, email).

If people do not forget your phone and wallet or handbag, with SALT inside, removing a small distance (out of a cafe, and a little bit away) phone will alert the user by showing where the gadget / purse is now. At a distance of several meters a person will have time to go back before the purse someone has time to pocket, literally.
Where to buy?
Now manufacturers are raising money on Kickstarter, and if the amount of 50 million US dollars will be dialed, the gadget will go on sale in early 2015 at a price of $ 15.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/medgadgets/blog/237875/