Seki - Village scared

On the outskirts of the Japanese town of Himeji is a unique place on the planet - the whole village, which is inhabited by scarecrows. The village is scared - it's a whole area called Seki. To be exact, so-called village, which eventually merged with the city.

Japanese Masato Okaue (Masato Okaue) is now 61 years old. He was born and raised in Seki. His first stuffed author created in 2010 year. Just as soon as he came to the aid and the rest of the locals. So very soon, the streets of the village filled with lots of scarecrows dressed up as usual and the local population. In total, to date, a village inhabited by more than a hundred frightened. Masato so wanted to attract visitors to their deserted area, showing the good old Japanese village as a collective image of the villages of the island nation. Unfortunately, young people leaving the village, leaving the villages only people of retirement age.