The most unusual inhabitants of the ocean depths

1. The ocean sunfish (Mola-mola)
Sunfish (sun fish, fish-head) is the world's largest bony fish. Flattened from the sides and slightly elongated body shape, combined with the impressive size makes a strong impression, in addition, many specimens of this species reach three meters if the distance between the fins count. This great fish is found in all the oceans located in tropical and temperate climates. It feeds on zooplankton giant, and, most likely, small fish and algae.

2. Giant isopods
Giant isopod, no doubt, can be called one of the strangest creatures encountered a man in the underwater world. Known to science as Bathynomus giganteus, it belongs to the group of crustaceans, as the largest member of the family Bathynomus, related to shrimp and crabs.

3. megamouth shark
Describe largemouth shark better than it does its name, it is difficult - a shark with a huge mouth. Her head streamlined somewhat lost for scale protruding jaws. The body is decorated with shark white spots covering the tips of the fins, and the dark triangle at the throat. The average length of this outlandish marine life is 4, 5 m, although scientists are discovering individuals and larger five meters. Megamouth shark weighs about 750 kg.

4. anoplogaster cornuta
Known as the scientific world Anoplogaster Cornuta, this formidable creature lives in the deep waters of many of the world's oceans. Sabretooth received its eloquent name because of the very impressive looking fanged mouth. The teeth of this fish is considered the longest in proportion to body size among all the inhabitants of the seas. During his grotesque appearance saber he earned the nickname "fish-ogre».

5. viperfish (viper fish)
One of the most furious underwater predators - viperfish. His teeth are so large that it is not placed in the mouth, curving to the eyes. It is believed that such a formidable weapon helps the fish to cause critical injuries to their victims during their persecution at high speeds. This scary-looking creature has a long dorsal fin, topped Photophores - body, producing light.

6. Fish-grenadier
This species is found just above the seabed. Leisurely swimming along the surface, the fish looks for his food live prey, but is not averse to try and spear fell. In addition to the rather showy appearance, grenadier has the ability to allocate a specific chemical compound with a very pungent odor. So this little underwater monster really is not easy to approach.

7. Deep glass squid
It is curious types can be found in the middle of ocean depths where to get through the water rays of light in combination with translucent bodies underwater inhabitants create a spectacular final camouflage. For even the best camouflage some creatures, such as, for example, glass squid, got bioluminescent organs that are under the eyes.

8. Monkfish (football fish)
In addition to entertaining appearance angler has other interesting features. For example, males of this fish cling to the body of a much larger and the females spend most of their life in such a position. While the woman takes care of his harem, produces food and builds a nest, the task of her many husbands is only in fertilization.

9. Pacific black dragon
Females Pacific black dragon grow up to 61 cm in length and are available pretty menacing-looking fangs and a small beard. Compared with its impressive friends, males can not boast its size (about 8 cm), no teeth, no mustache or beard. They have not even stomach, so eat in his short life it is not meant to be. The only mission of Pacific brownish male black dragon - time to mate with the female, which then also uses the body of the former boyfriend to lure prey.

10. largemouth (fish pelican)
The long body fish pelican becomes equally long tail with svetoproizvodyaschim body at the end. On average, the ancient inhabitants of the seas can grow up to 80 cm. Of its habitat - the water of the tropical and temperate climate.

Source: flytothesky.ru