Origami airplane and radio control: draft PowerUP 3.0 came out in people

Back in December of last year Habré to publish news about the project PowerUp 3.0, which allows you to transform any paper airplane in the radio-controlled device, the ability to keep in the air for about 10 minutes (until enough battery power).
The project, which was made by the creator of the American Shai Goitein, a pilot with 25 years of experience, very quickly received the required amount on Kickstarter (over a million dollars instead of 50,000). And now set for converting a paper airplane rc plane is already on sale. Moreover, the pilot added another and the possibility of converting a paper boat into a full radio-controlled toy.

All you have to do is:
1. Make a Paper Airplane (author of the project included with the kit even instructions on how to fold different airplanes);
2. Attach the module special clamps to the aircraft axis;
3. Install and run a special application for smartphone (free);
4. Run a paper airplane hand and begin to control your fighter / attack aircraft, simply tilting the smartphone.

In general, in this algorithm, all have one weak link - is the creation of a paper airplane. You know, airplane airplane strife, and some paper aircrafts fly very well, but others have suicidal tendencies, and after starting immediately through the Universe nose ground. To avoid this from happening, the author and the instructions for folding a piece of paper from the airplane.
Manage plane was possible at a distance of up to 55 meters.
It is clear that the airplane will fall, not once, not twice, and it would be a shame to lose control axis with all the details after the first flight, right? Author of the project took care of their impact resistance products, and protect all that is possible: there is shock resistant bumper, plus the base is made of carbon fiber.

The management interface plane was simple enough, the program is not overloaded with details:

As you can see, you can monitor the battery level, the distance to our plane, angle and some other data.
The control element is equipped with a 1000 mAh battery on, which lasts about 10 minutes of flight, as discussed above.

Management application released for iOS and Android 4.3 or above.