Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori secretly married in the Tuscan town of Grosseto.
They met in 1963 while filming "Country Type", and a year later, at 3 am on July 14, 1964, were secretly married in the church in the Tuscan town of Grosseto. The ceremony took place in the circle of close friends only. Witnesses asleep on the go. The groom had a headache. Before entering the church, the couple quarreled - the bride did not like the tie future husband!
Immediately after the wedding the couple filmed the wedding rings and never wore them not because they do not like these "bourgeois ties».
Celentano was quite explosive. So Mori, rightly judging that if she wants to save the marriage, then you need to put up with the annoying attention of many fans and colleagues, "the shop" from the world of cinema and music, decided to put his career on the altar of their marriage. She not only gave her husband three children - Rosita, Giacomo and Rosalinda, but began to Celentano support in his work.
Now Claudia - administrator, image maker and even the director of family record label Clan Celentano, consisting of a group of musicians of the highest qualification, friends and associates. This allowed her husband no longer depend on the producers and the demands of fashion. Also it - lovely PR-manager, with the same imagination scandalous organizing promotions.
Once photographers flocked to the train station in Brianza, hearing that close to the tracks, trying to, apparently, commit suicide, is itself Celentano. Soon, very "on time" appeared Claudia, take on what light to scold her husband, begging to get out of the rails. Already a locomotive whistle was heard, lights dazzled the audience, Claudia sobbed aloud. The actor got up off the rails at the last moment, when the wheels of the train were just a few meters from his body. Immediately took rapid reconciliation of the spouses, which captured on film by numerous representatives of the Italian media.
In the entire half century of married life, the couple had only one crisis: he lived in Rome, and she fled to the mountain village 800 km away from the Eternal City.
Celentano long broke down and sent his wife to the taxi driver a love letter to the 32 pages. Claudia could not withstand such a process of reconciliation and returned to blagovernomu.
In the victory of Adriano Celentano in San Remo in 1970, also has considerable merit Claudia. She came with her husband on stage, staring at his loving eyes, sang Adriano, gently holding his hand. The song, by the way, for many years was this a hit. It was called "Who does not work, does not make love." Since then, a whole decade song festival in San Remo has become a one-man show - Adriano Celentano.
For any Italian women - like air, without them it can not live. And in this sense Celentano always remained a true son of his people. Incidentally, signora Ornella Muti - Adriano partner in the film "The Taming of the Shrew" - managed that it was not possible for many women, is found in his life. Ornella and she fell in love in earnest: for Celentano she even divorced her husband, actor Alles Orano, and waited for the same from Celentano.
And he pulled and pulled with the divorce, not daring to go to the final break with the wife. And what about Claudia? As a wise woman and mother of three children, she waited patiently for his return, with the fervor of repeating in all keys in an interview that "accidental betrayal - is not the reason for separation. It is forgivable. And for men casual relationships - it's like a mechanic for inspection of a new car. " Well, her patience was rewarded: Adriano returned, and later publicly apologized to his wife and children for this act.
Now the family lives in Celentano hundred kilometers from Milan in a cozy villa at the entrance of which stands a fountain, shower spray statue Claudia Mori.
Villa of 20 rooms, all furnished with luxury in the spirit of Hollywood of the 1920s, is called differently: farm, bungalow, even bunker. When the children were small, there was a lively area, rabbits, chickens, birds. Now here big stables - Adriano enjoys riding - tennis court and spacious.
They do not like noisy parties and may be said to lead a life of hermits. Claudia still loves her husband because that sounded many years ago: "No one interesting Celentano I am in my life met».
In recent years, cheeky, charming Celentano has repeatedly confessed to reporters that, despite the difficult life full of gossip and rumors, his heart has always belonged to one woman - Claudia Mori. Brilliant, charming, desirable. And in proof of these words to each guest on personal invitation to a celebration dedicated to the 40th anniversary of their wedding, Celentano himself wrote: "Today, we still love each other».
Between these photographs 50 years, and the couple is still gentle with each other!
Source: lady.obozrevatel.com

Immediately after the wedding the couple filmed the wedding rings and never wore them not because they do not like these "bourgeois ties».
Celentano was quite explosive. So Mori, rightly judging that if she wants to save the marriage, then you need to put up with the annoying attention of many fans and colleagues, "the shop" from the world of cinema and music, decided to put his career on the altar of their marriage. She not only gave her husband three children - Rosita, Giacomo and Rosalinda, but began to Celentano support in his work.

Now Claudia - administrator, image maker and even the director of family record label Clan Celentano, consisting of a group of musicians of the highest qualification, friends and associates. This allowed her husband no longer depend on the producers and the demands of fashion. Also it - lovely PR-manager, with the same imagination scandalous organizing promotions.

Once photographers flocked to the train station in Brianza, hearing that close to the tracks, trying to, apparently, commit suicide, is itself Celentano. Soon, very "on time" appeared Claudia, take on what light to scold her husband, begging to get out of the rails. Already a locomotive whistle was heard, lights dazzled the audience, Claudia sobbed aloud. The actor got up off the rails at the last moment, when the wheels of the train were just a few meters from his body. Immediately took rapid reconciliation of the spouses, which captured on film by numerous representatives of the Italian media.

In the entire half century of married life, the couple had only one crisis: he lived in Rome, and she fled to the mountain village 800 km away from the Eternal City.

Celentano long broke down and sent his wife to the taxi driver a love letter to the 32 pages. Claudia could not withstand such a process of reconciliation and returned to blagovernomu.

In the victory of Adriano Celentano in San Remo in 1970, also has considerable merit Claudia. She came with her husband on stage, staring at his loving eyes, sang Adriano, gently holding his hand. The song, by the way, for many years was this a hit. It was called "Who does not work, does not make love." Since then, a whole decade song festival in San Remo has become a one-man show - Adriano Celentano.

For any Italian women - like air, without them it can not live. And in this sense Celentano always remained a true son of his people. Incidentally, signora Ornella Muti - Adriano partner in the film "The Taming of the Shrew" - managed that it was not possible for many women, is found in his life. Ornella and she fell in love in earnest: for Celentano she even divorced her husband, actor Alles Orano, and waited for the same from Celentano.

And he pulled and pulled with the divorce, not daring to go to the final break with the wife. And what about Claudia? As a wise woman and mother of three children, she waited patiently for his return, with the fervor of repeating in all keys in an interview that "accidental betrayal - is not the reason for separation. It is forgivable. And for men casual relationships - it's like a mechanic for inspection of a new car. " Well, her patience was rewarded: Adriano returned, and later publicly apologized to his wife and children for this act.

Now the family lives in Celentano hundred kilometers from Milan in a cozy villa at the entrance of which stands a fountain, shower spray statue Claudia Mori.
Villa of 20 rooms, all furnished with luxury in the spirit of Hollywood of the 1920s, is called differently: farm, bungalow, even bunker. When the children were small, there was a lively area, rabbits, chickens, birds. Now here big stables - Adriano enjoys riding - tennis court and spacious.

They do not like noisy parties and may be said to lead a life of hermits. Claudia still loves her husband because that sounded many years ago: "No one interesting Celentano I am in my life met».

In recent years, cheeky, charming Celentano has repeatedly confessed to reporters that, despite the difficult life full of gossip and rumors, his heart has always belonged to one woman - Claudia Mori. Brilliant, charming, desirable. And in proof of these words to each guest on personal invitation to a celebration dedicated to the 40th anniversary of their wedding, Celentano himself wrote: "Today, we still love each other».

Between these photographs 50 years, and the couple is still gentle with each other!

Source: lady.obozrevatel.com