Hospital Basement NFM-126 Pripyat
Normally, when you publish material on the Chernobyl exclusion zone, always speculate about the specifics of these places. Even trying to find some kind of aesthetic and logical explanation of the need for repeated visits to the territory of the abandoned man. Display photographs, write an explanatory text. To talk about the objects you share impressions of what he saw. The aesthetics of post-apocalyptic world without humans is striking in its high artistic, mystery and a sense of the invisible presence of the person. Place, which will be now it is not aesthetically pleasing. I will say more - I basically do not recommend it to visit if you are ever the same fate will throw in these places. And talk about him no particular desire. However, there is a place in Pripyat, and it, in spite of all the horror of the fact of its existence, yet worthy of mention. It's about the terrible object abandoned city Pripyat hospital basement IFL-126.
I'll start with the bat. Why is this horrible place? Basement, in principle, is a place that is not a priori painted in optimistic, positive ink. In addition, the cellar is connected one of the most exciting and tragic moments of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant April 26, 1986. The MSU-126 hospital a few hours after the accident, an accident, starting from 4:00 am (accident occurred at 1.23) brought the victims from the station. Among them was himself Chernobyl staff and firefighters put out the fire on the roof of the 4th unit. All things, including shoes, outerwear and underwear affected, where they lay, dropped to the basement, as from them fairly "fonilo».
15 photo.
via livejournal
Many owners of these things has long been dead, several dozen people who took part in extinguishing the fire on the fourth power unit died an agonizing death in two weeks in the 6th Moscow hospital.
It took a long time, but these things are still contaminated with radiation, background simply extraordinary.
It should be noted that in the most IFL-126 is quite a normal background. The hospital is one of the objects that are included in the official program of tourist excursions. Visit the cellar NFM strictly prohibited. And not just because of the high background radiation, there are many different chemicals, and other little things useful for health. I will not specify exactly how I got there, but highly recommend brave, yet dared to visit this place a must-have shoe covers, and a respirator as a minimum.
Boots and the remnants of uniforms firefighters tushivshih fourth unit.
Previously, there were to be found, and an officer's cap, Liners and many different helmets, but with time these items began to disappear somewhere.
Metering fire boot, more than 30 mR. To poponyatnee - exceeding the natural background radiation in more than 1000 times (!).
Posted in [mergetime] 1404384596 [/ mergetime]
To at least partially feel the atmosphere of that terrible night, I recommend to watch the following video. Radio traffic controllers in the first minutes of the accident:
Holders of these things got a dose of 500-600 x-ray! In the basement of the oppressive atmosphere, but can not help feeling a certain connection with the era and specifically with night April 26, 1986.
Helmet fire. Labels or any identification number could not be found. But clearly visible letters TC. Abbreviation NK is - the chief of the guard, so it is possible that the helmet belonged to one of firefighters in the photo below. Samu helmet decided perepryatat from this place for safekeeping.
Left - the chief of the guard SVPCH-6 (Fire Brigade city of Pripyat) Lieutenant VN Kibenok and the chief of the guard of HPV-2 (Fire Brigade CNPP) VP Pravik. Both officers posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
The medical report of Lieutenant VP Pravik museum "Chernobyl", Kiev.
We climb back out of the cellar and get into the hall IFL-126. Knowledgeable people, in principle, know exactly where to go to the basement of this place.
And finally - the residue Balaclava from the basement IFL-126 that mysteriously appeared in the lobby of the hospital.
Like any thing out of the basement, balaclava pretty fonit.
Creepy and dark place. Not all visitors experienced the Exclusion Zone, who traveled here more than 10 times, hesitant to get into the basement IFL-126. Back to all want one. And those wishing to visit some of my friends almost gone. Personally, I would have gone down again in the "basement of death." Probably still wins an interest in history and the banal curiosity. But personally, I do not advise you to go down there in the world is much more interesting and safe things.
I'll start with the bat. Why is this horrible place? Basement, in principle, is a place that is not a priori painted in optimistic, positive ink. In addition, the cellar is connected one of the most exciting and tragic moments of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant April 26, 1986. The MSU-126 hospital a few hours after the accident, an accident, starting from 4:00 am (accident occurred at 1.23) brought the victims from the station. Among them was himself Chernobyl staff and firefighters put out the fire on the roof of the 4th unit. All things, including shoes, outerwear and underwear affected, where they lay, dropped to the basement, as from them fairly "fonilo».
15 photo.
via livejournal

Many owners of these things has long been dead, several dozen people who took part in extinguishing the fire on the fourth power unit died an agonizing death in two weeks in the 6th Moscow hospital.

It took a long time, but these things are still contaminated with radiation, background simply extraordinary.

It should be noted that in the most IFL-126 is quite a normal background. The hospital is one of the objects that are included in the official program of tourist excursions. Visit the cellar NFM strictly prohibited. And not just because of the high background radiation, there are many different chemicals, and other little things useful for health. I will not specify exactly how I got there, but highly recommend brave, yet dared to visit this place a must-have shoe covers, and a respirator as a minimum.

Boots and the remnants of uniforms firefighters tushivshih fourth unit.

Previously, there were to be found, and an officer's cap, Liners and many different helmets, but with time these items began to disappear somewhere.

Metering fire boot, more than 30 mR. To poponyatnee - exceeding the natural background radiation in more than 1000 times (!).
Posted in [mergetime] 1404384596 [/ mergetime]
To at least partially feel the atmosphere of that terrible night, I recommend to watch the following video. Radio traffic controllers in the first minutes of the accident:

Holders of these things got a dose of 500-600 x-ray! In the basement of the oppressive atmosphere, but can not help feeling a certain connection with the era and specifically with night April 26, 1986.

Helmet fire. Labels or any identification number could not be found. But clearly visible letters TC. Abbreviation NK is - the chief of the guard, so it is possible that the helmet belonged to one of firefighters in the photo below. Samu helmet decided perepryatat from this place for safekeeping.

Left - the chief of the guard SVPCH-6 (Fire Brigade city of Pripyat) Lieutenant VN Kibenok and the chief of the guard of HPV-2 (Fire Brigade CNPP) VP Pravik. Both officers posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

The medical report of Lieutenant VP Pravik museum "Chernobyl", Kiev.

We climb back out of the cellar and get into the hall IFL-126. Knowledgeable people, in principle, know exactly where to go to the basement of this place.

And finally - the residue Balaclava from the basement IFL-126 that mysteriously appeared in the lobby of the hospital.

Like any thing out of the basement, balaclava pretty fonit.

Creepy and dark place. Not all visitors experienced the Exclusion Zone, who traveled here more than 10 times, hesitant to get into the basement IFL-126. Back to all want one. And those wishing to visit some of my friends almost gone. Personally, I would have gone down again in the "basement of death." Probably still wins an interest in history and the banal curiosity. But personally, I do not advise you to go down there in the world is much more interesting and safe things.